About the College

Crafton Hills College (CHC) is one of 112 colleges in the California Community College system, the largest college system of higher education in the world. Since its opening in 1972, learners of all ages, interests and backgrounds have passed through the doors of CHC, taking advantage of this first step to higher learning. As new businesses and industries settle in this region, CHC continues to increase in importance as a source for a college education and career training. Crafton Hills currently serves approximately 6,100 students and offers both day and evening classes.

Crafton Hills College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Boulevard, Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education.

Crafton Hills College has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided in this general Catalog is accurate and current. However, this document should not be considered an irrevocable contract between the student and Crafton Hills College. The content is subject to change. The College reserves the right to make additions, revisions, or deletions as may be necessary due to changes in governmental regulations, district policy, or college policy, procedures, or curriculum. The College will make every reasonable effort to inform students of significant changes that occur after publication of this document.

Located in southern California, on rolling hills above the Yucaipa Valley, and surrounded by an undisturbed natural environment, Crafton Hills College offers majors in the liberal arts and sciences, career and technical studies. With its imaginative architecture, manicured grounds and spectacular surroundings, the atmosphere of the college is one of serenity — right for reflection, growth and learning.

What sets the campus apart from many others is that, in addition to quality instruction, many of our professors are experts in their respective fields outside the classroom. The small size of the college allows for much more one-on-one communication between instructors and students. CHC instructors are noted for being accessible and caring about the students as individuals. Whether you’re a new student just getting started in college or you’re returning to college after having been out of school for a while, it is never too late to go to college. At CHC, there is still that personal touch.

There are many student services available to help you achieve your higher education goals. You can find information and a listing of student services in this catalog and in the class schedule.

The Child Development Center and the Child Development Program function collaboratively to provide the best education possible for preschool-aged children and our child development students.

In addition to student-centered classes and an able counseling and career guidance staff, CHC provides a variety of cultural, social and recreational opportunities. The Art, Music, and Theatre Arts Departments are student intensive, offering two years of experience-based education that allows our students to participate in art exhibits, concerts, and theatre productions throughout the year. Also, students have extracurricular opportunities to explore their interests through clubs, student government and educational field trips to various locations. For recreational activities, the college’s Health and Physical Education Department oversees outstanding facilities including a gymnasium, weight room, swimming pool, and tennis courts.

Above all, CHC is a place for learning and personal growth. It has established a reputation for quality and a willingness to respond quickly and reasonably to community needs. CHC operates on the semester system. Fall semester begins in August, spring term starts in January, and summer session starts in June.

Guiding Principles

The Crafton Hills College foundational statements Mission, Vision, and Values underlie the Strategic Directions and Goals in the Educational Master Plan.


The mission of Crafton Hills College is to advance the education and success of students in a quality learning environment.


The vision of Crafton Hills College is to be the premier community college for public safety and health services careers and transfer preparation.


The institution's values are creativity, inclusiveness, excellence, and learning centeredness.

Educational Philosophy

In a free society, all individuals should have access to educational opportunities in order to develop their unique potential. The programs and services at Crafton Hills College help to promote an informed and engaged citizenry by providing an environment where intellectual dialogue becomes the foundation for lifelong learning. At Crafton Hills College, students prepare to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex society.

Campus Purpose

The purpose of Crafton Hills College is to facilitate students’ learning so they can attain realistic goals commensurate with their needs and abilities. The primary means for achieving this goal is the educational program of the college; all other functions of the college are justified insofar as they support learning. While the result of some learning is intangible, most learning is indicated by a change in the attitude and behavior of the learner. Some changes represent new departures for the student; others are simply further refinements and developments of skills, viewpoints and knowledge. The college provides a variety of courses and programs designed to reach the institution’s basic goal. As students pursue their programs of study, they should strive toward an understanding of their scientific and cultural heritage; the ability to define and solve problems on the basis of relevant facts and reasonable alternatives; the identification of a preferred pattern of living and a means of achieving it; occupational and professional proficiency; mental and physical health; the ability to interact effectively with other people intellectually, socially, and physically; the acceptance of responsibility; and an awareness of the usefulness and desirability of further learning. In pursuit of the goals stated above, the college offers course work and assistance to students in the following broad areas:

  1. Lower division courses for transfer to senior colleges and universities, applicable to the baccalaureate degree;
  2. Occupational programs for entry into specific vocations and further training for increased occupational effectiveness while pursuing a vocation;
  3. General education that provides a fundamental learning foundation and stimulates intellectual curiosity;
  4. Continuing education for citizens in the community who may desire further preparation in general education or in a vocational field;
  5. Programs in basic skills for increased effectiveness in pursuing the basic objectives of the college;
  6. Advising and counseling for educational, occupational, and personal planning.

Educational Master Plan

The Educational Master Plan provides the college with an integrated framework for achieving long-term goals in support of student learning.

Strategic Directions and Goals

Student Access and Success

Student success in courses and programs is the top institutional priority. The quality and quantity of programs and services are sufficient to assure students the opportunity for success at CHC.


  • Support, guide and empower every student to achieve his or her goals.
  • Deliver and ensure access to programs, services, and support that meet students' needs.


The College and its structures and processes are characterized by inclusiveness, openness to input, and respect for diverse opinions among individual students and employees, groups and organizations.


  • Seek, welcome, and respect diversity, and promote inclusiveness.

Best Practices for Teaching and Learning

Innovative and effective practices are used throughout the College to facilitate authentic learning.


  • Achieve college-wide excellence in teaching and learning through best practices and ongoing reflection, assessment, and improvement.

Enrollment Management

Enrollment management is an ongoing process of balancing student and community needs with available funding and facilities.


  • Effectively manage enrollment through a dynamic balance of identified needs and available resources.
  • Identify and initiate the development of new courses and programs that align strategically with the needs of the College and its students.

Community Value

The College identifies and serves key community needs and promotes itself as a community asset.


  • Enhance the College's value to the community.

Effective, Efficient, and Transparent Processes

College processes interact effectively with each other and with those of the District and SBVC.


  • Implement and integrate planning processes and decision-making that are:
  • Collaborative
  • Transparent
  • Evidence-based
  • Effective and
  • Efficient

Organizational Development

The College continuously improves as an organization.


  • Optimize the organization's human resource capacity.
  • Manage change proactively.

Effective Resource Use and Development

The College actively seeks, advocates for, and acquires additional resources.


  • Maintain and use resources effectively.
  • Seek, advocate for, and acquire additional resources.
  • Maximize resource capacity related to facilities, technology, and other infrastructure.


Crafton Hills College is one of two public community colleges serving the San Bernardino Community College District. The other is San Bernardino Valley College. Both are tax-supported, coeducational institutions governed by a locally elected board of trustees acting through a district chancellor and the president of each college.

In the fall of 1972, classes were held for the first time at Crafton Hills College. The campus buildings and grounds provide an environment essential to support a comprehensive community college. The areas from which the college generally attracts students include Yucaipa, Redlands, Highland, Loma Linda, San Bernardino, Rim of the World, Colton, Bloomington, Rialto, and Bear Valley. However, students also come from all over California, out-of-state, and foreign countries.

Some students come to the college directly from high school and pursue full-time study in transfer-preparation or career-technical programs. Others study part time to prepare for return to work or to improve their chances for advancement. Some arrive with superior academic backgrounds, some in need of considerable remedial assistance. The average age of CHC students is twenty-five. More than half the students are females. Some students stay to complete a program; others prepare for eventual transfer to four-year colleges and universities or to directly enter the workplace. Students choose Crafton Hills College because of its setting, its dedicated faculty, its challenging and engaging curriculum, and its variety of educational opportunities.

Crafton Hills College Foundation

In an effort to extend educational opportunities to CHC students, Crafton Hills College established the CHC Foundation during the same year the college opened in 1972. The CHC Foundation is a nonprofit corporation devoted exclusively to raising funds for student scholarships, grants and special projects. Philanthropy has been important to CHC from the very creation of the institution. The college began as a gift of property from brothers Ruben and Lester Finkelstein. For more information about the CHC Foundation, please call (909) 389-3260.

Alumni Association

Crafton Hills College invites you to continue your affiliation with the college by joining the Alumni and Friends. Working with the Crafton Hills College Foundation, the Alumni and Friends is committed to helping Crafton Hills College students obtain their educational objectives. For more information about the CHC Alumni and Friends, the CHC Foundation, and fund raising events, please call the CHC Resource Development Office at (909) 389-3391.

Accuracy Statement

The San Bernardino Community College District has made every effort to publish an accurate schedule of classes, but may, without notice, change general information, courses, or programs offered. The reasons for change may include student enrollment, level of funding, or other issues decided by the district or college. The district and college also reserve the right to add to, change, or cancel any rules, regulations, policies and procedures, as provided by law. Please visit the Crafton Hills College webpage at www.craftonhills.edu for the most up-to-date and accurate information.