Art - Associate of Arts Degree

Major/Program Requirements

Required Courses:

ART 100Art History I: Prehistoric Art to Medieval Art


ART 102Art History II: Renaissance Art to Modern Art


ART 120Foundations of Two-Dimensional Design


ART 121Foundations of Three-Dimensional Design


ART 124Drawing I


ART 126Painting I


ART 132Life Drawing I


Students must complete at least six units from the following courses:

ART 105History of Modern Art


ART 119Digital Video Production


ART 125Drawing II


ART 175Sculpture


ART 200Printmaking


ART 204Contemporary Topics in American Art


ART 226Painting II


ART 232life Drawing II


ART 247ASpecial Projects in Art

1.00 - 3.00

ART 247BSpecial Projects in Art

1.00 - 3.00

ART 247CSpecial Projects in Art

1.00 - 3.00

ART 247DSpecial Projects in Art

1.00 - 3.00

ART 275Contemporary Sculpture Techniques


THART 176Fundamentals of Stagecraft I


THART 179Fundamentals of Stagecraft II


Total Credit Hours: 27.00

Lower division requirements for students interested in transferring to a four-year institution in this field may differ from associate degree requirements. Prospective transfer students should complete the general education and lower division requirements of the school to which they will be transferring. See a counselor for details. Information is also available at

A student receiving a degree in this field will be able to:

  • Develop a habit of critical inquiry and research relevant to creative processes
  • Foster intellectual curiosity and experimentation in different art medias
  • Express an understanding of contemporary issues in arts through visual, written and spoken communication
  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge in contemporary art and its historical relevance
  • Recognize and interpret the art from different periods from prehistoric to the contemporary time with the focus on the Western Culture
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in the analysis of both familiar and unfamiliar works of art
  • Demonstrate knowledge in basic design vocabulary related to both 2D and 3D design
  • Integrate the knowledge of a pictorial composition and express it in a variety of art projects from figuration to abstraction
  • Demonstrate knowledge in a perspective drawing
  • Display drawing skills in a variety of media and techniques
  • Exhibit the understanding of the human figure and proportions in a relationship to a space and light source
  • Demonstrate an understanding of color theory and develop adequate skills in color mixing
  • Incorporate the variety of painting styles as well as painting media/techniques
  • Practice safe working procedures