Incomplete (I)

An incomplete or “I” may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor when a substantial portion of the class work has been completed by the student but some part of the student’s work remains to be completed at the end of the term. An “I” may be assigned to a student who, in the judgment of the instructor, is unable to complete a course due to a verified unforeseeable emergency.

The instructor shall complete an Incomplete Grade Submission form which will indicate what the student must do to complete the course and what grade the student will receive if the work is not completed in the time prescribed by this policy. This written record must be given to the student, with a copy on file in the Admissions and Records Office. The Incomplete Grade Submission form may be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office (SSA-212).

The time limit for an “I” grade to be resolved is no later than one (1) year following the end of the term in which it was assigned. A final grade shall be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated or after one (1) year following the end of the term in which the “I” was assigned. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4232)

The “I” symbol shall not be used in calculating units attempted nor for grade points. Students intending to earn an associate degree from Crafton Hills College must resolve all incomplete grades, whether at Crafton Hills College or any other regionally-accredited institution attended, prior to the end of the term in which the degree will be granted. Students must submit official transcripts to the Admission and Records Office showing the removal of all incomplete grades, replaced with an appropriate letter grade or other evaluative symbol.