Parking Regulations

A.   Staff and faculty lots are reserved for the sole use of personnel employed by the San Bernardino Community College District. DEPENDENTS OF EMPLOYEES ARE PROHIBITED from using staff and faculty parking lots.

B.   Parking stalls marked “VISITORS” ARE SOLELY FOR VISITORS. Students, staff, and faculty are prohibited from parking in these areas.

C.   Parking is prohibited in loading zones, posted areas along curbing, and/or red lined areas.

D.   Vehicles are to be parked in properly marked stalls only. Backing into or taking up more than one parking stall is prohibited.

E.   Motorbikes, motorcycles, and other two-wheeled motorized vehicles must be parked in areas designated for this type of vehicle.

F.   Vehicles parking in prohibited areas that block the flow of traffic, fire-fighting/emergency equipment, driveways, roadways or in posted “No Parking” zones will be towed away at the owner’s expense and at no responsibility to the college district. (CVC 22702)

G.   Vehicles abandoned on college property for over 72 hours without prior college authorization may be removed at owner’s expense. (CVC 22702)