College Police

It is a policy of the Board of Trustees for the San Bernardino Community College District to protect members of the entire college community and the property of Crafton Hills College.  In accordance with this policy, the District maintains a Police Department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The officers are sworn and duly Commissioned Police Officers of the State of California as defined in section 830.32 of the Penal Code and 72330 of the California Education Code and authority extends to anywhere within the state.


•     FOR NON-EMERGENCIES:  Contact the San Bernardino Community College District Police Department Office at 909.389.3276.  Our business office is located in the Lab Administration Building Communication Center Room 153 on the Crafton Hills Campus.  Call this number to locate and/or turn in lost articles or to relay concerns for personal safety along with parking rules and regulations.



      LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY:   Contact the San Bernardino Community College District Police Department at 909.389.3275.  Be aware that when the office is closed on nights and weekends the San Bernardino County Sheriff will dispatch for the District Police Department.



      The Board of Trustees of the San Bernardino Community College District, its administration, or other employees are not and shall not be liable under any circumstances for loss or damage to vehicles or contents thereof parked or stored on District property by fire, theft, or any other cause whatsoever.


The San Bernardino Community College District is required by the United States Department of Education to post and/or publish crime statistics.  Crime statistics are available in LADM 153 and on the District Police website: