Completing a Transfer Program

The freshman and sophomore years of a college or university program may be completed at Crafton Hills College. Transfer students may choose one of three systems:

  • California State University System (23 campuses)
  • University of California System (9 campuses)
  • Private or Out-of-State Colleges and Universities

In order to transfer to the college or university of your choice, it is necessary to complete the following:

1. General Education or Breadth Requirements

It is usually necessary of every transfer student regardless of major. General Education requirements are determined by the college or university the transfer student has chosen. Listed below are plans for transfer to the California State University System and the University of California System, and some information about transferring to a private or out-of-state institution.

A. California State Univ ersity (CSU) General Education Requirements.

This plan applies to all 23 CSU campuses. In order to receive full certification and not be held to additional courses at the transfer university, students must complete at least 39 units of General Education in specific areas. Areas A1, A2, A3 and B4 must be completed with a “C” or better grade prior to transfer.

B. Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC).

This plan applies to both the CSU and UC systems. However, some schools and majors within the UC system DO NOT accept the IGETC plan.

Also, students in Engineering, Science, Math or other high-unit majors are advised not to use IGETC. See a counselor for information. A minimum of 37 units of General Education with at least a “C” in each course is required to complete the IGETC.

C. Private or Out-of-State Colleges General Education Requirements

Students should obtain a current college catalog for the Private or out-of-state school of interest. It is important to read the catalog carefully and then see a counselor to plan a transfer program.

The counseling office has specific transfer requirements for programs at Loma Linda University and approved General Education requirement lists for several private colleges, including Biola University, California Lutheran College, University of Redlands and the University of Southern California (USC). Some private schools allow the use of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) and/or the California State University General Education Requirements (CSUGE) to meet lower division General Education requirements. Check with the transfer school for details.

2. Lower Division Courses for a Major

These courses provide the background and preparation needed to enter a college or university at the junior level. Crafton Hills College has articulated lower division major requirements with CSU San Bernardino, UC Riverside and many other CSU and UC schools. Information for a college’s lower division major requirements is available at via the Internet. See a counselor for assistance.

3. Electives

These are courses of choice that are taken to fill in the areas not covered by General Education or major requirements. Students must take enough “elective” courses to meet the minimum number of units required for transfer. All CSU and UC campuses require a minimum of sixty (60) transferable units in order to be eligible to transfer “as a junior.” Private schools vary widely regarding the number of units required for transfer.

4. Acceptable Grade Point Average

The CSU system requires at least a 2.0 GPA, while the UC system requires at least a 2.4 GPA. However, these figures are minimum GPA requirements! Many colleges and universities and impacted majors within some colleges expect higher grade point averages for admission. Non-residents of California must have at least a 2.4 GPA to apply to a CSU. A GPA of at least 2.8 is required to apply to a UC.