Student Life

How to Start a Club/Student Organization

  • Figure out what type of club you’d like to create
  • Find four other CHC students who share the same enthusiasm for your organization
  • Find a Faculty/Staff member who is willing to serve as your Advisor
  • Pick up an Club Charter Packet from the Department of Student Life. (The Packet will ask you to write a constitution, develop bylaws, choose officers, and a few other things
Submit the completed packet to the Department of Student Life. You will receive a phone call within a week or so letting you know when your charter will be reviewed by the Student Senate. (A member of your organization will be asked to attend that meeting to answer any questions the Senate may have.) Questions about the process? Call the Department of Student Life at 909- 389-3410.

AS Sticker

Sales of the AS Sticker form part of the Student Senate budget. Stickers can be purchased for the fall and spring semesters during registration or in person at the following two locations:

  • Campus Bookstore
  • Department of Admissions and Records


Some of the benefits of the sticker include:

  • Discounts on purchases (including food, clothing, and textbooks) at the Campus Bookstore
  • Discounted movie and theme park tickets
  • The opportunity to apply for Student Senate scholarship awards


The Student Senate budget supports campus causes and events, including club activities and programs, awareness campaigns, student recognition events, scholarship and commencement ceremonies, career and transfer fairs, and scholarships. The Student Senate also sponsors special events that promote cultural awareness and celebrate diversity.

Associated Students of Crafton Hills College (ASCHC)

By virtue of being enrolled at the college, you are a member of the Associated Students of Crafton Hills College. If you want to get involved with student life at Crafton Hills College, consider joining the Student Senate. The Student Senate is the governing body of the Associated Students. Participation in the Student Senate offers you an opportunity to explore and develop leadership potential.  You will get acquainted with students, faculty, staff, and administration and represent your fellow students in the decision-making process at the college. In addition, you will have the opportunity to plan events, make friends, and qualify for scholarships.


The Student Senate President, Directors, Senators, and Officers are elected by a elected by a vote of the general student body during the spring semester preceding the new school year.


Becoming an A.S. Elected Officer

To run for a Student Senate Executive Board Position, you must pick up an application packet from the Department of Student Life, available during March for the Spring General Elections. Complete the application materials and submit them to the Department of Student Life by the filing deadline.  You must attend a mandatory candidates meeting. You are required to have a cumulative GPA 2.0 and must have a minimum of 5 CHC units at the time of verification and during your time in office.


Executive Board (elected Positions)

            Student Senate President

            Directors (4)




Senatorial Positions (appointed Positions)       

            Social Events Officers (2)

            Inter Club Council Officers (2)

            Publicity Officer

            Equity and Diversity Officer

            Activism Officer

            Editorial in Chief

                        Photo Editor*

                        News Editor*

                        Entertainment Editor*

            Senator at Large

            Social Co-Chair (2)