Campus Purpose

The purpose of Crafton Hills College is to facilitate students’ learning so they can attain realistic goals commensurate with their needs and abilities. The primary means for achieving this goal is the educational program of the college; all other functions of the college are justified insofar as they support learning. While the result of some learning is intangible, most learning is indicated by a change in the attitude and behavior of the learner. Some changes represent new departures for the student; others are simply further refinements and developments of skills, viewpoints and knowledge. The college provides a variety of courses and programs designed to reach the institution’s basic goal. As students pursue their programs of study, they should strive toward an understanding of their scientific and cultural heritage; the ability to define and solve problems on the basis of relevant facts and reasonable alternatives; the identification of a preferred pattern of living and a means of achieving it; occupational and professional proficiency; mental and physical health; the ability to interact effectively with other people intellectually, socially, and physically; the acceptance of responsibility; and an awareness of the usefulness and desirability of further learning. In pursuit of the goals stated above, the college offers course work and assistance to students in the following broad areas:

  1. Lower division courses for transfer to senior colleges and universities, applicable to the baccalaureate degree;
  2. Occupational programs for entry into specific vocations and further training for increased occupational effectiveness while pursuing a vocation;
  3. General education that provides a fundamental learning foundation and stimulates intellectual curiosity;
  4. Continuing education for citizens in the community who may desire further preparation in general education or in a vocational field;
  5. Programs in basic skills for increased effectiveness in pursuing the basic objectives of the college;
  6. Advising and counseling for educational, occupational, and personal planning.