A Message from the CHC Leadership Team

We are proud that you have chosen to attend Crafton Hills College, the top ranked community college in the Inland Empire for degree and certificate complete rates, course retention and success. You are now one of more than 136,000 students who have attended our beautiful college since its opening in 1972. Every instructor and staff member at this college is here to make sure you succeed. We pledge to provide you with a transformative educational experience in state-of-the-art facilities, and to give you the services and support you need to be successful.
Whatever your goals are, Crafton Hills College is the perfect launching point. We offer rigorous academic programs that will prepare you to achieve your personal, vocational, and educational goals. Here, you can complete your associate’s degree, transfer to a university for a bachelor’s degree, improve your job skills, and get ready for a career by earning a certificate.
CHC offers over 75 associate degrees, 25 of which will guarantee transfer to a California State University with upper division standing and full acceptance of credits (Associate degrees for Transfer, or ADT). Our catalog lists a broad range of degrees in fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the humanities, business, technology, allied health, and education. You will also find 25 career certificates, including the Fire Academy, Paramedic program, Emergency Medical Technology, Respiratory Therapy, and Computer-Assisted Graphic Design.
To promote your academic and personal success, Crafton Hills College offers excellent services in both face-to-face and online formats. Support services include: educational planning and guidance, tutoring, mental health therapy, disabilities support, financial assistance, career assessment and advisement, and transfer counseling. These services are provided by knowledgeable, committed people who genuinely care about you.
Success in college also means engaging in campus life to the extent that your schedule allows, by joining one of our 30+ campus clubs, attending events, seeking on-campus employment, and participating in one of our Three Peaks Challenges, which are designed to bring the campus together and to challenge you as a learner and as an individual. Students who feel connected to the college tend to be more successful!
We hope you will use this catalog to guide you in creating the road map to your future. The entire CHC team is committed to helping you reach your educational goal!
Mike Strong, B.S.
Vice President, Administrative Services
Rebeccah Warren-Marlatt, Ed.D.
Vice President, Student Services
Keith Wurtz, Ph.D.
Interim Vice President, Instruction