Glossary of Terms and Phrases

AA-T and AS-T degrees: AA-T and AS-T refers to Associate Degree for Transfer awarded at Crafton Hills College (refer to the index to locate the information in the catalog). Students completing these degrees are guaranteed admission to a CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major.

Academic Renewal: A procedure which will allow students to delete up to 30 units of coursework earned at Crafton Hills College. A minimum of 24 units must be completed with a 2.5 GPA and at least one year must have passed. For more information, see the college Catalog.

Academic Year: For a degree granting institution it is a period including a minimum of 30 weeks of instruction; typically it is the period between the first day of the fall semester and the last day of the following spring semester.

Access: A personal inspection and review of a record or an accurate copy of a record.

Advanced Placement (AP): The opportunity to receive college credit on the basis of performance on tests administered by the College Entrance Examination Board at the high school level.

Appeal: A request by a complainant made in writing to a community college district governing board to review the administrative determination of a complaint of discrimination.

Answer Center: A place that offers help to channel students to where they need to go or where they can get their questions answered most efficiently.

Arranged (ARR): A time designed in the class schedule which requires students to arrange appropriate class meeting times with the instructor on an individual basis.

Articulation: Articulation agreements are formal agreements between two campuses. They define how courses taken at one college or university campus can be used to satisfy a subject matter requirement at another college or university.

Assessment: Most students who enroll in courses at Crafton Hills College must take the Accuplacer. Accuplacer scores are used to recommend placement in English, Mathematics and Reading.

ASSIST ( The database that contains all of the current articulation agreements between the 112 California Community Colleges, the 23 California State Universities and the 9 Universities of California. ASSIST also contains lists of all of the courses that transfer from Crafton Hills College to both CSU and UC, as well as lists of CHC courses that apply to the major preparation requirements for both the CSU and UC systems.

Associate Degree: The degree granted upon completion of a program of study in a specific major or area of specialization. This program includes a minimum of 60 units of course work with a minimum of 18 units in a major area and 28 units of general education requirements.

Bylaw: A rule governing matters within a corporation

C-ID: A statewide numbering system that can be used to identify comparable courses at different community colleges. Useful for students attending more than one community college.

Career-Technical: Refers to programs and courses which prepare students for entry-level employment in a specific field of work. Foe example: Emergency Medical Services, Fire Technology, Respiratory Care.

Certificate: A certificate may be awarded after completing a specific number of units within a particular vocational/technical field of study.

CLEP: The opportunity to receive college credit on the basis of performance on examination which are part of the College Level Examination Program administered by the College Entrance Examination Board.

Class Schedule: A complete listing of courses offered, class times, instructor names, room numbers and important dates to remember. The class schedule is published each semester and in the summer.

College Catalog: Published every year, the catalog describes college programs, services, degrees, graduation requirements, academic policies and courses taught throughout the year.

Complaint: A written and signed statement that alleges unlawful discrimination.

Corequisite: Course or skill prerequisites which require that a student be enrolled in two supporting classes during the same semester as a condition of enrollment. For example, ACCT 210 requires that you be enrolled in ACCT 211 during the same semester.

Confer: to bestow; to consult

Continuing Education: Instruction in any of the following circumstances: (1) Only in subjects licensees are required to take as a condition of continued licensure and solely for that purpose; (2) Only in subjects necessary to continue to practice/work in a profession such as law/medicine and solely for that purpose; (3) To persons who are already in a particular profession, trade or job category for the sole purpose of enhancing their skills/knowledge within that particular profession, trade or job category.

Continuous Attendance: Attendance in at least one or more semesters at Crafton Hills College with a break of less than one year.

Course: An organized pattern of instruction on a specified subject, offered by a community college.

Course and Skills Prerequisite: An academic requirement which must be fulfilled and verified prior to registration in a specific course for which that prerequisite is prescribed.

Course Number: The number immediately following a course title. For example: ENGL 101, MATH 095.

Course of Study: Either a single course or a set of related courses in which a student enrolls.

Credit by Examination: College credit may be earned by successfully completing a departmental examination that allows students to demonstrate competence based on prior knowledge of the subject matter.

CSU System: The California State University System includes 23 universities. The closest campuses to CHC are: CSU San Bernardino, Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Los Angeles, CSU Fullerton and CSU San Marcos. Visit for a complete list and location of all campuses.

Degree: An academic title such as but not limited to, associate, bachelor, master or doctorate.

Directory: Contains one or more of the following items: student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, class schedule, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weights and heights of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous public or private school attended by the student and any other information authorized in writing by the student.

Drop: The process which allows students to withdraw from a class through the 14th week of the semester. Check the semester class schedule of deadline dates affecting the drop process.

Educational Program: An organized sequence of courses leading to a defined objective, a degree, a certificate, a diploma, a license, or transfer to another institution of higher education.

Extended Day: Classes which begin after 4: 00 pm.

Fee Waiver: Process which allows qualified students to waive the registration fee. See the Financial Aid Office for more information.

FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; Federal and State Law does not permit access to or release of any information contained in student education records to any unauthorized party or agency without proper court orders or written consent of the student. All Students records are administered in accordance with the FERPA act. Subsequently, no information will be disseminated to anyone other than student.

Financial Aid: Payment of funds provided to an individual (or a payment in kind of tangible or intangible property to the student) which is conditioned on the student's attendance at a community college.

Freshman Status: Students who have completed less than

30 semester units.

Full Time Status: Enrollment in 12 or more semester units.

General Education Certification: The process by which CSU general education and IGETC courses are certified as being completed so students are not held to lower division requirements of the individual CSU or UC campus. Some Private and Out-of-State universities accept full CSUGE or IGETC certification in lieu of their own general education requirements - please check with each individual campus. Students must apply for certification through the Admissions and Records Office on their final transcripts.

General Education Requirements: Courses required of all students who plan to receive an A.A. or A.S. degree from Crafton Hills College. See your counselor for more information.

Grade Review: A procedure which allows students who feel they were not graded fairly to seek a course of action. See the Student Grievance Procedure in the CHC catalog on page 40.

Graduate-level: Of academic study beyond the baccalaureate level.

Infraction: A violation

Innuendo: An indirect, usually disparaging, remark

Instruction: Includes any specific, formal arrangement by an institution or its enrollees to participate in learning experiences in which the institution's faculty or contracted instructors present a planned curriculum appropriate to the enrollee's educational program.

Major: A course of study followed by students who express specific vocational and/or academic interest in a particular field. For example: Art, Psychology, or Business Administration.

Matriculation: A process which involves the assessment, orientation, counseling and follow up of CHC students in order to help them complete courses successfully and to reach their goals. See the CHC Catalog page 28 for more information.

Non-Transferable: Non-Transferable refers to courses whose units do not transfer for credit to a CSU and/or UC system. For a list of transferable courses, refer to

Non-Tutorial: Courses which are taught using a traditional classroom approach, not requiring additional student time in the Tutoring Center.

Open Entry/Open Exit Courses: Courses in which students may enroll at various times, may complete at various times or at varying paces, and for which student's may receive varying credit, and may be conducted with or without regularly scheduled hours.

Orientation: Process which acquaints students and potential students with college programs, services, facilities and grounds, academic expectations and institutional procedures.

Pass/No Pass: Students taking courses in which pass/no pass grading is allowed will earn "P" (pass), which is equal to no less than a "C" grade or "NP" (no pass) which is equal to a "D" or "F" grade. Grades of "P" or "NP" will not be calculated into the student's GPA. Formerly known as credit/no credit ("CR/"NC").

Plagiarize: To copy (whether from a book, article, broadcast, internet, or another student) and claim as one's own work

Preamble: An introductory declaration

Prerequisite: A course which must be completed before enrollment in a more advanced course. For example, SPAN 101 is a prerequisite for SPAN 102.

Probation (Academic): Status indicating that at least 12 semester units have been attempted with an earned grade-point average below 2.0 in all units attempted at the college.

Probation (Progress): Status indicating that of at least 12 units attempted at the college, grades of “W”, “I”, or “NC” were earned in 50% or more of all units for which the student has enrolled at the college.

Program: Set of related courses for which a student enrolls.

Putative: Reputed; supposed

Quad: A quadrangle (courtyard or courtyard and its buildings). Crafton's quad is located between the Library (LR) and Lab/Administration (LADM) buildings.

Report Delayed: The "RD" may be assigned by the Admissions & Records Office only. It is to be used when there is a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. "RD" shall not be used in calculating grade point averages.

Sanction: Permission or approval; action by one state against another to force compliance with an obligation.

Satellite: An auxiliary classroom or a teaching site.

Semester: The term used to define the two periods of instructional activity that make up one academic year. Each semester is approximately 18 weeks in length. The Fall semester begins in August, and ends in December. The Spring semester begins in January and ends in May.

Site: Main location, branch or satellite campus.

Sophomore status: Students who have completed between 30 and 60 units.

Student Record: Any item of information directly related to an identifiable student, maintained by a community college.

Transcripts: The official college record of all courses attempted and completed while at Crafton Hills College. A student is entitled to two copies of his/her transcript at no cost if ordered to be mailed in person. A charge of $10.00 will be made for each additional transcript. A charge of $20.00 will be made for each transcript picked up on the same day it is ordered. A charge of $5.00 will be made for each transcript ordered online plus an additional processing fee.

Transferable: Transferable refers to courses whose units transfer for credit to the CSU and/or UC system and are identified in the college catalog course description and can also be found on

UC System: The University of California (UC) System includes the following campuses: UC Berkley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz. Refer to for more information.

Unit:  College work is measured in terms of semester units. Units are issued at a rate of one (1) unit per every 48-54 hours of work expected from the student. This calculation applies to all lecture, laboratory, clinic, field, and independent study courses; however, the distribution of in class and out of class hours will vary dependent upon the instructional method.  Hour to unit calculations for work experience courses vary, dependent upon financial compensation received.

Vindicate: To clear as from suspicion; to uphold and justify

Work Experience: Program designed for students who are employed for a minimum of 10 or more hours per week, to provide instruction and advisement related to actual work experience.