Formal Appeal Process

Step 1: The student meets with the Division Dean who will confer with the faculty member and/or Department Chair or designee, to attempt to resolve the grade dispute. If resolved and a grade change is indicated, the faculty member completes a Grade Change Form.

Step 2: Investigation -  If the matter is not resolved, the student may submit the issue to the Office of the Vice President of Instruction, where a full investigation will be conducted within 30 work days of the Step 2 filing date, and a determination made as to status of the grade dispute. During the investigation the student will be able to present evidence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence of the instructor. The instructor will be able to provide evidence to support the grade. If the investigation shows fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, the investigative report will be provided to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources for appropriate action. If a mistake has been made and a grade change is indicated, a Grade Change Form is submitted.

Step 3: Hearing - If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved and a grade change may be warranted because evidence shows fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, the student may request a formal hearing by the Grade Appeal Committee through the Office of the Vice President of Instruction. The committee shall be comprised of the Vice President of Instruction, 2 faculty members, 2 students and one educational administrator (not of the division where the accused faculty member works). A meeting will be convened within five (5) working days (unless mutually agreed upon to delay). The student and instructor, if still employed, will be expected to attend the hearing. All attempts will be made to contact an instructor who is no longer employed by the college regarding the grade dispute. The Grade Appeal Committee will provide a written decision to the student within five (5) working days of the date of the hearing. The decision of the Grade Appeal Committee is final. Once finalized, the Change of Grade form (if appropriate), Grade Appeal form, written summary of the investigation findings, and the written decision of the Grade Appeal Committee are submitted to the Admissions & Records Office to be recorded to the student’s record.