Parking Regulations

  1. All vehicles parked on District/college parking lots or District/college roadways are required to display a current parking permit or a daily parking permit. Permits must be displayed on windshield or rear-view mirror while on campus. Daily parking permits shall be posted face up on the dashboard so as to be readable. Failure to post permits properly shall be grounds for citation.
  2. Students/visitors may purchase semester parking permits on-line or daily permits from a vending machine located in various parking lots.
  3. Parking permit refunds for students are subject to the provisions of the Fee Refund Policy. In order to obtain a refund, a student must take all or a portion of the decal bearing the permit number to the College Police Department at SBVC, or the Campus Business Office at CHC, within the time-lines specified in the Fee Refund Policy. Refunds are not provided to employees unless they qualify under the AQMD Ride-Sharing Incentive Program.
  4. Certain parking lots and parking areas are restricted for employee “staff” parking only. Students, dependents and relatives of employees, who are not employees themselves, are prohibited from using employee lots and parking areas.
  5. Parking stalls marked "visitors" are solely for visitors and may be governed by time limits. Students and employees are prohibited from parking in visitor areas.
  6. Students with physical handicaps may be given special parking privileges that will be evidenced by a District handicapped permit affixed to the right side of the rear bumper or the rearview mirror. Permits may be obtained in the Disabled Student Services Office. It is the responsibility of DSP&S to inform the Police of any such privileges. 
  7. Vehicles are to be parked in properly marked stalls only. Taking up more than one parking stall is prohibited.
  8. Parking is prohibited in loading zones, posted areas, along red curbing, or red lined areas.
  9. Vehicles parked in prohibited areas which block the flow of traffic, emergency vehicles/equipment, driveways, roadways, or in posted "NO PARKING" zones may be towed away at the owner's expense at no responsibility to the District pursuant to current California Vehicle Code authority.
  10. Vehicles parked illegally in reserved parking stalls will be cited for illegal parking.
  11. Vehicles abandoned on college property for over 72 hours without college authorization from the College Administrative Services Department will be removed at owner's expense pursuant to current California Vehicle Code authority.
  12. Energy Efficient Vehicles will be defined as Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) by the California Air Resources Board, or fuel-efficient vehicles that have achieved a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle rating guide.