Probation and Dismissal
Probation Standards
A student shall be placed on Academic and/or Progress Probation if:
- Academic Probation - The student has attempted at least 12 units and has earned a GPA below 2.0 for all work attempted.
- Progress Probation - The student has enrolled in at least 12 units and has received a “W,” “I,” or “NP” in 50% or more of all units enrolled.
(SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4250)
Removal from Probationary Status
A student shall be removed from probationary status and revert back to good standing if:
- Academic Probation -The student who has been placed on Academic Probation shall revert to good standing when the student has attained a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher for all units attempted.
- Progress Probation - The student has reduced the percentage of units to below 50% in which a “W,” “I,” or “NP” was earned.
- Has received an approved appeal of status, as filed through the Academic Exceptions Committee.
When a student earns a grade point average of less than 2.0 while on either academic or progress probation, he/she will not be allowed to register until after having completed the requirements established by the Counseling Department. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4250)
Dismissal and Readmission Standards
For the purposes of this section, semesters shall be considered consecutive on the basis of the student's enrollment, i.e., Fall enrollment to Fall enrollment shall be considered consecutive if the student did not enroll in the intervening Spring semester. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4250)
Consequences of Probation and Dismissal
Students on probation will be subject to impacts on their priority. Release of probation holds will be dependent on participation in required activities (workshops and education plan development) and successful completion of all courses for the semester they are completing. For those receiving the Promise Grant who reach dismissal status (after 2 semesters on probation), will no longer be eligible to receive the grant. Reinstatement of the grant will be made when the student reaches good standing.