Degree Requirements

To earn an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science Degree, students must complete the general education requirements as specified by either the CSU GE BreadthIGETC, or Crafton Hills Colleges’ Local general education pattern, in additional to major prep coursework.

To be eligible, students must also meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of a minimum of sixty (60) units of acceptable college-level work with at least a “C” (2.0) or better cumulative and institutional grade point average. The following restrictions apply to the 60 units required for graduation:
    • A maximum of four (4) units of activity courses may be applied to meet Crafton Hills Local general education area requirements.
    • A maximum of one (1) unit of activity courses may be applied to meet CSU GE area E requirements.
    • A maximum of fifteen (15) units of credit (CR) or pass (P) grades may be applied. No course taken for the student’s major may be taken for CR or P.
    • A maximum of six (6) units of reading and study skills courses numbered 001-099 (READ 078X2 and CHC 090) may be applied.
    • A maximum of sixteen (16) units of Career and Technical Education Worksite Experience or six (6) units of General Worksite Experience may be applied for elective credit.
  2. Successful completion of a minimum of eighteen (18) semester units with a “C” or better in all courses required as part of a major as identified by the college catalog
  3. Completion of twelve (12) semester units in residence at Crafton Hills College
  4. Reading and writing competency as demonstrated by a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 101, ENGL 101H, or an equivalent course from another accredited institution
  5. Mathematics proficiency as demonstrated by completion of MATH 095, MATH 095C or any higher-level math course with a grade of “C” or better, or an equivalent course from another accredited institution