Appendix B - Sanctions

A Student found Responsible for violating any of the Standards of Student Conduct standards (BP/AP 5500) is subject to sanctions set forth herein.  

The following sanctions may be imposed for violation of the Standards of Student Conduct.  These sanctions are not exclusive.

Administrative Withdrawal From Class prohibits a Student's continued presence in the class if their behavior is disruptive of the class and interferes with the ability of other students in the class to learn or in any way endangers himself/herself or others.  When this sanction is applied, the Student will be administratively withdrawn by the College Conduct Officer.

Community Service may be imposed by the College Conduct Officer on any Student who violates the Standards of Student Conduct. Community Service shall consist of the Student performing some act or duty that is of benefit to the campus and/or surrounding community.  

Disciplinary Action consists of the following:

  • REPRIMAND A verbal or written reprimand regarding the misconduct.
  • PROBATION Student conduct probation may include, but is not limited to, ineligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities and certain other student privileges.
  • SUSPENSION Exclusion from the colleges and college-sponsored activities for a specified time.
  • EXPULSION Exclusion by the District Board of Trustees from the college and all college-sponsored activities.

Disciplinary Probation consists of Written Notice to the Student by the College Conduct Officer that the Student has violated the Standards of Student Conduct and that for a specified period of time, imposed by the College Conduct Officer, the Student must meet certain conditions as imposed by the College Conduct Officer.  Any subsequent violations of this policy by the Student during the term of the probation or the Student's failure to comply with any condition of probation imposed by the College Conduct Officer will result in additional sanctions under this policy.

District Restriction.  The College Conduct Officer may for a specified period of time restrict the Student's access to parts or areas of the District and/or District Property.

Exclusion from District Activities. Prohibits the Student from participating in any District co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activity(ies) for a period to be determined by the College Conduct Officer. 

Expulsion is the permanent removal of the student from the District.

  1. The Board of Trustees may expel a student when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct, or it seems probable that the continued presence of the student causes a danger to the physical safety of the student or to others
  2. Whenever this policy calls for or permits a notice or other communication to be delivered by mail, the mailing of such communication by certified mail, postage-paid and addressed to the last known address of the student, shall be deemed sufficient compliance with the pro-vision and it shall be presumed to have been received. A student's failure or refusal to sign a receipt of the communication shall not cause the notice to be null and void.
  3. No fees paid by or for a student for the semester, summer session, or other term in which the student is suspended or expelled shall be refunded. If the student is readmitted before the close of the semester, summer session, or other term in which the suspension occurred, no additional fees shall be required of the student on account of the suspension.
  4. Should disciplinary action involve the misappropriation of District property or funds, the disciplinary action will remain in effect until full reimbursement is made through appropriate District/College offices.
  5. Any violation or violations of law, ordinance, regulations, or rule regulating, or pertaining to, the parking of vehicles, shall not be cause for the removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student from a community college
  6. The president or the president's designee at a community college shall, upon the suspension or expulsion of any student, notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the county or city in which the school is located of any action of the student which may be in violation of Section 245 of the Penal Code.

Hold on Records. The College Conduct Officer may issue the withholding of transcripts and/or other Student records. The College Conduct Office may impose such withholding when a Student fails to repay debts to the District, return District equipment or make restitution to the District. A hold on records may also be asserted if a Student does not comply to requests such as, but not limited to, required meeting or appointments and sanctions.

Interim Suspension.  A Student who is suspended on an interim basis is subject to all of the same restrictions as if they had been suspended as a final sanction. The College Conduct Officer, or designee, may impose an interim restriction of up to ten (10) calendar days following notice from the College Conduct Officer.

Long Term Suspension. Long Term Suspension prohibits the Student from attending classes and activities or entering onto any District Property for a period of eleven (11) calendar days up to two (2) academic years as determined by the College Conduct Officer.  

Mental Health Clearance.  Mental Health Clearance may be required before a Student is readmitted to a particular class or allowed to come onto District Property.  The College Conduct Office must receive a letter from a licensed mental health professional stating that in their professional judgment the Student will no longer continue the behavior which gave rise to the College Conduct Office taking disciplinary action against him/her or that the Student's continued presence on campus is not a threat to himself/herself or others.   The mental health professional must be licensed by the State of California, and the College District Administration must verify that the mental health professional is credentialed to render a professional opinion. The Student shall bear the cost and expense of obtaining mental health clearance.

No-Contact Order.  The College Conduct Officer or designee may assign a No Contact Order whereby neither student nor [other party] may have any contact with each other, in person or through another party, by telephone, letter, e-mail, or other electronic media, or by any other means. This applies on campus and in the local vicinity, at District/College-sponsored events, and/or through the use of District/College resources (including electronic). The student may not engage in indirect communication, including via social media or any other means. The student must also refrain from any form of harassment, retaliation, or intimidating behavior. If at any time either party feels the need to communicate with the other, they may do so only through the College Conduct Office or through a third party explicitly authorized by the College Conduct Officer.

Online Education/Training. The College Conduct Officer or designee will assign Online Education/Training programs that best serve in the education and learning for the Student. The College Conduct Officer determines the content of the workshop.

Referral. The College Conduct Officer may refer any student who is the subject of prohibited conduct allegations to Counseling and Psychological Services or the College Health Center. Counseling Services or the College Health Center may, with the written permission of the student, discuss the results of the referral with the College Conduct Officer. The student may refuse to attend a session with Counseling Services or the College Health Center without penalty at which time the disciplinary process will continue as if no referral were made.

Reflective Assignment. The College Conduct Officer, or designee, will assign a topical paper that best serves in the education and learning for the Student. The College Conduct Officer determines the format of the paper.

Restitution. The College Conduct Officer may require the Student to repay the District or any person for the cost of replacing or repairing any property taken, destroyed or damaged by the Student.  This Student may also be charged a service charge and/or collection fee under the College policy regarding service charges and collection fees.

Restriction from Attendance at District Events. The College Conduct Officer may restrict the Student from attending some or all District events for a specified period of time.

Short Term Removal from Class. Any College instructor for good cause may remove a Student from the classroom for a period not to exceed two class meetings. Short Term Removal may be imposed by any instructor on a Student who is disrupting the class or otherwise interfering with the ability of other Students in the class to learn.  Before removing a Student from class, an instructor shall first give or make reasonable efforts to give the Student notice of their intent to remove the Student and a reasonable opportunity for the Student to modify their behavior.  The instructor or program supervisor shall notify the College Conduct Office, in writing, immediately following their removal of a Student under this section, with a copy to the Dean of Student Services/Development.  The Student may not return to the class until the Student has been cleared to return.  The College Conduct Office may contact the student to arrange a meeting

Short Term Suspension.  Short term suspension prohibits the Student from attending classes and activities or entering onto any District Property for a period of one (1) to ten (10) calendar days as determined by the College Conduct Officer.

Written Warning.  A written warning is a written reprimand and warning to the Student by the College Conduct Officer that they have determined that the Student has violated the Standards of Student Conduct and is on warning.