Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S)
Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) provides services above and beyond those that may be available elsewhere on campus to promote equal access to any facility, class, program, or activity on campus for students with verified disabilities. The services may be provided in classroom (e.g., sign language interpreting) or outside of the classroom (e.g., tram service). Some services may be directly related to a disability-associated educational limitation (e.g., extended time for exams, distraction-reduced testing room, sign language interpreting, etc.). Other services may be a specialized version of a traditional student service (e.g., counseling, advising, assistive technology, community liaison with outside agencies, etc.).
Location: CCR-101
Telephone: 909.389.3325 or TTY 909.794.4105
Email: chc_dsps@craftonhills.edu
Web: www.craftonhills.edu/disabledstudentservices
Online: www.craftonhills.edu/current-students/disabled-student-services/disabled-student-services-online-support