SOC 141H Race, Ethnicity and Diversity-Honors
Sociological study of race, ethnicity and diversity in American society. Examination of various social conditions that affect the ever changing culture of American society. This course includes content and experiences appropriate for student wishing to earn honors credit. This course is also offered as ETHS 141H. (C-ID SOCI 150)
Units: 3.00
Offered: (Fa,Sp)
UC, CSU, Associate Degree Applicable
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the College Honors Institute
Corequisites: None
Also Offered As: SOC 141, ETHS 141, ETHS 141H
Lecture: Minimum 48 hours per semester
Departmental Recommendation: Successful completion of SOC 100 or SOC 100H. Eligibility for ENGL 101.