Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition

Students may petition to alleviate previous substandard academic performance which is not reflective of present demonstrated achievement. If approved, the semester(s) grades of any units taken at Crafton Hills College during not more than two (2) consecutive terms of attendance, excluding summer session, will not be computed in the student’s grade point average. The student’s permanent records from other institutions will not be altered, (Title 5, §55046). If approved, the annotation of *Academic Renewal* will be placed on the transcript for the indicated course(s). Courses will not be removed from the transcript. Students are advised to meet with an Academic Counselor prior to submitting an Academic Renewal request.


  • Students may petition to have eliminated from the computation of the total grade point average any units and credits taken during not more than two (2) consecutive terms of attendance, excluding the Summer session.
  • Students must have achieved a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all coursework completed subsequent to the semester(s) requested in the petition.
  • Students must complete a minimum of twenty-four (24) semester units subsequent to the semester(s) requested in the petition, at any accredited college. Upper-division units may be used to qualify this requirement.
  • At least two (2) semesters must have elapsed from the time the course work to be removed was completed.
  • A student may not petition for academic renewal under this procedure more than once per college.
  • Up to thirty (30) units of course work may be eliminated from consideration in the cumulative grade point average per college.

The request for Academic Renewal without Course Repetition must be submitted online at:

(SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4240)