Excused Withdrawal (EW)

An "Excused Withdrawal" occurs when a student is permitted to withdraw from a course(s) due to accidents, illness, or extenuating circumstance beyond the control of the student affecting their ability to complete a course(s) (C.C.R. § 55024). Acceptable reasons for excused withdrawal may include:

  • Job transfer outside the geographical region;
  • Illness in the family where the student is the primary caregiver;
  • An incarcerated student in a California State Prison or County Jail is released from custody or involuntarily transferred before the end of the term;
    • In the case of an incarcerated student, an excused withdrawal cannot be applied if the failure to complete the course(s) was the result of a student's behavioral violation or if the student requested and was granted a mid-semester transfer;
  • The student is the subject of an immigration action;
  • Death of an immediate family member;
  • Chronic or acute illness;
  • Verifiable accidents;
  • Natural disasters directly affecting the student; or
  • Other extenuating circumstances as described in C.C.R. § 55024(b)(2)

The extenuating circumstances must show reason(s) that the student's completion of a course is impractical. The California Community College Chancellor's Office defines impractical as "impossible due to reasons beyond the student's control." An "EW" symbol may be requested by the student any time after the course's drop date and no later than the date when district policy allows a grade change. To request an excused withdrawal, the student must submit the request on the appropriate form to the Admissions & Records Office. The Director of Admissions & Records shall review each request and make the final determination. Upon approval, an excused withdrawal symbol may be assigned. The grade assigned for excused withdrawal shall be "EW." Excused withdrawals shall not be counted in progress probation and dismissal, in the permitted number of withdrawals, or counted as an enrollment attempt. Excused withdrawals are not eligible for a refund of enrollment fees. The financial aid of a student may be affected depending on individual circumstances. A student should consult with the Financial Aid Office regarding any impact.