Section II - Student Rights & Responsibilities


Students are entitled to a fundamentally fair process, including reasonable notice of allegations of violations of the Standards of Student Conduct, the opportunity for the Student to be heard and to afford the Student the opportunity to present evidence prior to the administrative determination of the alleged violations.  The District reserves the right to make immediate interim suspensions or restrictions when such actions are deemed necessary by the College Conduct Officer or designee pending an investigation and determination of the matter.  Any sanction(s) imposed under the Standards of Student Conduct shall be appropriate to the nature of the violation(s). See Section III below.


  1. To be treated with respect by District officials
  2. To take advantage of campus support resources, such as Counseling, Special Services, Health Services, and other available resources.
  3. To experience a safe educational environment. 
  4. To not be subjected to retaliation for reporting violations.
  5. To have complaints heard in substantial accordance with established procedures.
  6. To fully participate in any process whether the injured individual is serving as the Complainant or the institution is serving as Complainant.
  7. A complainant may and Respondent shall be informed in writing of the outcome/resolution, any sanctions imposed, and the rationale for the outcome, to the extent permissible under applicable law and Board Policies.


Any special requests and/or accommodations by any Party (for example, sign language, the use of assistive technology, service animals, and other accommodations approved by the Office of Disabled Student Programs & Services) must be made at least five (5) calendar days prior to the Administrative Conference.  Special requests and accommodations shall also be applicable to Appeal Hearings as set forth in Section 4.2 of this Standards of Student Discipline. 


An attorney licensed to practice in California may accompany the Student to the hearing. The attorney’s role is to provide counsel to the Student without disruption to the hearing process.  The attorney may not make any statements or presentations to the College Conduct Officer, Hearing Panel, or Appeal Committee, examine or cross-examine any witnesses, or present evidence or any written material to the College Conduct Officer or Hearing Panel or Appeal Committee set forth in Section 4.4.  The attorney may not, in any way, disrupt or interfere with the hearing process.  Any violation of this section shall result in the removal of the attorney.  The attorney shall provide the College Conduct Office with a retention letter confirming that they have been retained by the Student at least seven (7) calendar days before the hearing so that the necessary arrangements can be made for a District attorney to be present at the hearing.  The attorney's retention letter shall include the attorney's State Bar number and a telephone number. The requirements of this section shall also be applicable to Appeal Hearings as set forth in Section 4.2 of this Standards of Student Discipline. 


Students seeking to review records relating to their investigation or to the outcome should refer to San Bernardino Community College District Board Policy 5040 Student Records Directory Information and Privacy. The District is not obligated to provide copies of student records unless not doing so would prevent the student from their right to inspect the record in question.


Audio/Video Recordings – No audio, video or other recording of any investigation, interview, or meeting is permitted by the student. The student has the right to audio record hearings at their own expense.

Witness Rules and Limitations – only witnesses presenting relevant testimony or information directly related to the alleged violations are permitted. Witness statements relating to the alleged violations may be accepted by the College Conduct Officer at their sole discretion if such statements are deemed to be material and relevant to the proceeding.

The College Conduct Officer or designee shall be responsible for contacting witnesses for all meetings other than the appeal hearing, subject to the Student notifying the college no less than five (5) calendar days prior to the proceeding.  The College Conduct Officer reserves the right to exclude redundant testimony from witnesses, or redundancy in witnesses.


Any information provided to District employees may be shared with other District employees, law enforcement, or other parties, consistent with law, and only on a “need to know” basis.  District employees shall endeavor to honor any Complainant or victim’s request for confidentiality; however, confidentiality cannot always be assured.  The District may weigh requests for confidentiality against its duty to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all members of the District Community.

Investigative or hearing proceedings are considered private and confidential so as to protect the Parties involved.   Hearings or meetings shall not be conducted in public, and are not open to the public.   The Parties involved are expected to maintain the privacy of the proceedings.