Academic Policies and Standards

Grading System

The evaluative and non-evaluative grading symbols and their meanings are as follows:

A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Less than satisfactory 1
F Failing 0
P Pass (at least Satisfactory) Units awarded as P are not counted in GPA See Pass/No Pass.
NP No Pass Units awarded as in GPA. See Pass/No Pass.
W Withdrawal Student or instructor initiated. See “Withdrawal”
MW Military Withdrawal See “Military Withdrawal”
I Incomplete Instructor initated. See “Incomplete”
IP In Progress Assigned for classes in progress or those which continue across semester and/or intersessions dates.
RD Report Delayed Assigned by the Admissions & Records Office only when grades are not recorded but the term is completed. (T5-55023)

See How to Calculate Your GPA for tips on calculating your grade point average.

How to Calculate Your GPA

Your GPA or Grade Point Average is the average of your grades. You can calculate your GPA for one semester or for your cumulative, overall GPA.



Units Attempted


Grade (numerical value)


Grade Points

ENGL 101



B (3)



MATH 102



A (4)



SOC 100



B (3)






C (2)



HIST 101



D (1)



PE/I 108x4



W (0)



PE/I 105x4



F (0)









1. Grades are assigned a numerical value: A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0.0
Note: Units attempted that result in P/NP, CR/NC, W, IP, RD or I grades are not used to calculate the GPA.

2. Multiply the units attempted by the numerical value of the grade to get the grade points:








B (3)



3. Total the units attempted and the grade points.

4. The GPA is determined by dividing the total grade points by the number of attempted units:




Grade Point







Grade Scale:

4.0 = A average

3.0 = B average

2.0 = C average

1.0 = D average

0.0 = F average

Converting Quarter Units to Semester Units

Quarter units are converted to semester units by multiplying the quarter units by 0.667:


4 (quarter units)




2.67 (semester units)

Converting Semester Units to Quarter Units

Semester units are converted to quarter units by multiplying the semester units by 1.5:


4 (semester units)




6 (quarter units)


Incomplete (I)

An incomplete or “I” may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor when a substantial portion of the class work has been completed by the student but some part of the student’s work remains to be completed at the end of the term. An “I” may be assigned to a student who, in the judgement of the instructor, is unable to complete a course due to a verified unforeseeable emergency.

The instructor shall complete an Incomplete Grade Submission form which will indicate what the student must do to complete the course and what grade the student will receive if the work is not completed in the time prescribed by this policy. This written record must be given to the student, with a copy on file in the Admissions and Records Office. The Incomplete Grade Submission form may be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office (SSA-212).

The time limit for an “I” grade to be resolved is no later than one (1) year following the end of the term in which it was assigned. A final grade shall be assigned when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated or after one (1) year following the end of the term in which the “I” was assigned. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4232)

The “I” symbol shall not be used in calculating units attempted nor for grade points. Students intending to earn an associate degree from Crafton Hills College must resolve all incomplete grades, whether at Crafton Hills College or any other regionally-accredited institution attended, prior to the end of the term in which the degree will be granted. Students must submit official transcripts to the Admission and Records Office showing the removal of all incomplete grades, replaced with an appropriate letter grade or other evaluative symbol.

Pass/No Pass (P/NP)

Courses may be offered in either or both of the following catagories:

  • Courses in which all students are evaluated on a “pass/no pass” basis.
  • Courses in which student elects to be graded a “pass/no pass” basis upon registering or by the end of the fourth week of instruction for regular term courses or no later than 30% of a term length for short term courses.

Students electing to be graded on a “pass/no pass” basis are responsible for all assignments and examinations required in the course. The standards of evaluation are identical for all students in the course. A Pass or “P” will be assigned for performance that is equivalent to a letter grade of “C” or better. A student who fails to perform satisfactorily will be assigned a No Pass or “NP.”

Students who are assigned a “P” will receive both course credit and unit credit. However, units earned as “P” shall not apply toward fulfilling the requirements of a student’s major except (1) if the student earned a “P” in a course and subsequently declares a major in which those units are required or (2) if the student earns a “P” in a course required for a major that is offered only on a “pass/no pass” basis at another college. Students may take up to fifteen (15) units of “pass/no pass” courses to apply toward meeting graduation requirements.

Units earned as “P” or “NP” shall not be included in the determination of the student’s grade point average.

After the deadline, the only justification for a change from “pass/no pass” to a letter grade is institutional error or extraordinary circumstances that require approval through the college petition process. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4231)

More information, instructions and forms may be obtained in the Admissions and Records Office (SSA-212).

Grade Changes

The instructor of the course shall determine the grade to be awarded. The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor is final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency. “Mistake” may include, but is not limited to errors made by an instructor in calculating a student’s grade and clerical errors. “Fraud” may include, but is not limited to inaccurate recording or change of grade by any person who gains access to grade records without authorization.

The removal or change of an incorrect grade from a student’s record shall only be done pursuant to Education Code 76232 or by an alternate method that ensures that each student shall be afforded an objective and reasonable review of the requested grade change.

If the procedure requires that a student first request a grade change from the instructor, provisions shall be made to allow another faculty member to substitute for the instructor, if the student has filed a discrimination complaint, if the instructor is not available or where the district determines that it is possible that there may have been gross misconduct by the original instructor.

Grades may not be changed for any reason or any circumstances after 36 months from the end of the term in which the grade was assigned.

In case of fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, the final determination concerning removal/change of grade will be made by the College President after consulation with the President of the Academic Senate or his/her designee. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4234)

Withdrawal (W)

Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from class(es) after the end of the third week, or 20% of a term and before the end of the eleventh week, or 60% of a term, whichever is less, shall have a “W” posted to their permanent academic record. The “W” symbol shall not be used in calculating grade point averages, but shall be used in determining probation and dismissal.

A “W” shall not be assigned, or if assigned shall be removed, from a student’s academic record, if a determination is made that the student withdrew from a course due to discriminatory treatment or due to retaliation for alleging discrimination treatment or that the student withdrew because he/she reasonably believed that remaining in the course would subject him/her to discriminatory treatment/retaliation for alleging discriminatory treatment.

A “W” will not be assigned to any student who withdrew from one or more courses, where such withdrawal was necessary because of the student was engaged in fighting wildfires, was forced to evacuate his/her home due to such fires, or suffered loss or injury as a result of such fires.

A student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a course multiple times will be referred to counseling to help determine what is causing the need for repeated withdrawals. Students may receive no more than three (3) “W” grades for any one course. (Title 5, Section 55024)

Military Withdrawal (MW)

A Military Withdrawal or “MW” shall be assigned to a student who is a member of an active or reserve U.S. military service and who receives orders compelling a withdrawal from courses. Upon verification of such orders, the symbol may be assigned at any time. The “MW” symbol shall not be counted in progress probation or dismissal calculations. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4233)