Earning Credit

Units of Credit

Academic work at Crafton Hills College is measured in units of credit. In general, to earn one unit of credit, a student attends a lecture class that meets one hour a week; a laboratory class that meets three hours a week; or clinic, field, or work experience for five hours a week. An exception to this rule is Credit by Examination.

Open Entry/Open Exit Courses

Students completing less than 60% of the work or time required in an open entry/open exit course will be given a grade of “W”. Students completing 60% or more of the work or time required will be assigned the grade earned, i.e., “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, “P” or “NP.”

Unit Limitations

To be considered a full-time student, students must carry a minimum of twelve (12) units. Regular full-time students are restricted to a maximum of eighteen (18) units each semester. During the summer session, students are restricted to one (1) unit for each week of instruction. For example, in the six-week session, a student may carry up to six (6) units. If a student wishes an overload, that is, units in excess of the maximum, he/she must receive approval from a college counselor prior to registering for classes. Contact the Counseling Center for exceptions to this policy.

Class Level

Students are classified according to the number of units they have successfully completed. Students who have completed fewer than thirty (30) units are considered freshmen. A student who have completed thirty (30) to sixty (60) are considered sophomores. Students who have completed more than sixty (60) units are classified as special students.

Non-Degree Applicable Courses

Courses numbered 900-999 do not apply toward a degree and are designed to provide the fundamental skills necessary for successful completion of other college courses. These include precollegiate courses in reading, writing, computation, learning skills, and study skills. In accordance with Title 5, Section 55758.5 (b), grades earned in non-degree applicable courses are not included when calculating a student’s degree-applicable grade point average.

Students will not receive credit for more than 30 units of basic skills course work taken in the San Bernardino Community College District. Basic skills coursework earned in another community college district will not be counted toward the 30-unit limit.

Course Repetition

Generally students may take a course only once. Students may repeat a course:

  1. If the course number includes the notation x2, x3, or x4, then the course may be taken 2, 3, or 4 times, respectively.
  2. If a course is required to meet a legally mandate training requirement as a condition of continued paid or volunteer employment, the student may repeat the course upon approval through the college’s petition process.
  3. If the student earned a substandard grade (“D”, “F” or “NP”), or was assigned a withdrawal (“W”), he/she may attempt the course two additional times in an effort to successfully complete the course. In cases here the student earns a letter grade (e.g. “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” OR “F”) in the subsequent attempt, the most recent grade earned will be computer in the cumulative GPA and the student’s academic record so notated (e.g.previous grade will not count). Students may attempt a course more than three times only upon approval through the college’s petition process. (Title 5, Section 55024)
  4. If the student earned a standard grade (“A”, “B”, “C” or “P”), he/she may repeat the course one time only upon approval through the college’s petition process. Grades issued under this petition will not be counted in the computation of the GPA.
  5. If there has been a significant lapse of time since the student earned credit for the course and another institution of higher education to which the student seeks to transfer has established a recency requirement which the student will not be able to satisfy without repeating the course, the student may repeat the course upon approval through the college’s petition process.

Courses in which an incomplete (“I”) has been recorded may not be repeated until an evaluative grade has been recorded.

Student permanent records shall reflect all work attempted so that the student’s transcript is a true and complete academic record. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4225, 4227)

Credit by Examination

Currently enrolled students who feel that their knowledge is equivalent to the course content of a currently approved course may apply for Credit by Examination. To do so, the following conditions must be met:

  • The student must submit evidence of extensive background and/or experience in the subject area to the instructor of the course.
  • The student must have completed twelve (12) or more units at Crafton Hills College or be a permanent employee of the San Bernardino Community College District.
  • The student must be enrolled in the college during the semester in which the examination is taken, but not enrolled in the course for which the student wishes to earn Credit by Examination.
  • The student must have the approval of a full-time instructor in the discipline.

Students may receive Credit by Examination in foreign language courses only in sequence from the lowest to highest level. See a counselor for details.

To apply, the student must submit a fully completed and signed application for Credit by Examination for each course requested to the Office of Instruction (LADM-300). Applications may be obtained in the Admissions and Records Office (SSA-212). In addition to paying the enrollment fee based on the number of units of the course, there is an additional processing fee of $20 that is applied to all Credit by Examination applications. No financial aid of any kind is available for Credit by Examination (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4235)

Credit for Military Experience

Students who have served on active duty with the Armed Forces for at least one year are eligible to receive up to seven (7) units of credit with pass (“P”) grades. Additional credit for military schools and college-level examinations may be earned in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council on Education. See a counselor for details.

Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition

A student may alleviate certain previous substandard academic performance which is not reflective of his/her present demonstrated abilities through Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition. A student may petition to have any substandard grades for courses taken during two consecutive semesters of attendance eliminated from the computation of the total grade point average, not to exceed a total of thirty (30) units. Students submitting such petitions must have been enrolled and must have completed 24 units of college work at any accredited college with a grade point average of 2.5 or better subsequent to the semester(s) being petitioned. The semester(s) under consideration must have been completed at least two semesters prior to the time of submitting the petition. Neither grades nor courses will be “taken off” the student’s record. Instead, courses under consideration will be indicated and annotated accordingly on the student’s permanent record. The student’s permanent records from other institutions will not be altered. The student may not request for Academic Renewal more than once. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4240)

Petition for Academic Exceptions

The Academic Exceptions Committee has been established for students who encounter circumstances outside the realm of normal college policy and procedures that affect their educational progress. Petitions or appeals may be addressed to the Academic Exceptions Committee. Instructions and forms for petition may be obtained in the Admissions and Records Office (SSA-212).

Probation and Dismissal

Probation Standards

A student shall be placed on Probation if:

  • Academic Probation-The student has attempted at least 12 units and has earned a GPA below 2.0 for all work attempted.
  • Progress Probation- The student has enrolled in at least 12 units and has received a “W,” “I,” or “NP” in 50% or more of all units enrolled.

Removal From Probationary Status

A student shall be removed from probationary status and revert back to good standing if:

  • Academic Probation-The student who has been placed on Academic Probation shall revert to good standing has attained a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher for all units attempted.
  • Progress Probation- The student has reduced the percentage of units to below 50% in which a “W,” “I,” or “NP” was earned.

When a student earns a grade point average of less than 2.0 while on either academic or progress probation, he/she will not be allowed to register until after having completed the requirements established by the Counseling Department. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4250)

Dismissal Standards

For the purposes of this section, semesters shall be considered consecutive on the basis of the student’s enrollment in the fall semester followed by the spring semester (e.g., the fall semester of 2013 followed by the fall semester 2014 shall be considered consecutive if the student was not enrolled in the spring semester of 2014).

A student on academic and/or progress probation shall be dismissed for one semester when one or more of the following conditions exists:

  • The student has earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters.
  • The student has received non-evaluative symbols of “W,” “I,” or “NP” in 50% or more of the units for which he/she was enrolled in each of three consecutive semesters. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4250)


A disqualified student may appeal his/her dismissal by filing a Petition for Academic Exception with the Academic Exceptions Committee. Petitions may be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office (SSA-212).

A student may be reinstated after one semester from the date of disqualification. A student enrolled following dismissal shall be on probationary status and subject to dismissal. If the scholastic achievement of a student readmitted after disqualification continues at a probationary level, the student may be disqualified for one year. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4250)