Dropping Courses

Students may drop courses during the first three weeks or 20% of a term, whichever is less, and there shall be no notation on their permanent academic record.

Students may withdraw from courses between the end of the fourth week and the last day of the eleventh week or 60% of a term, whichever is less, and a “W” shall be a recorded on their permanent academic record. Failure of the student to officially withdraw from a registered course may result in responsibility for enrollment fee payments for the class and/or receipt of an “F” grade. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4233, 5080)

Withdrawal from a course(s) may be approved in extenuating circumstances after the last day of the 11th week or 60% of a term through a petition approved by the Dean of Student Services and Student Development or designee. Extenuating circumstances are defined as verified cases of illness, accident, unforeseen job shift change, job assignment outside the attendance area, extreme weather conditions, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4233)