Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments

A student may not enroll in two or more sections of the same credit course during the same term unless the length of the course provides that student is not enrolled in more than once section at any given time. Students needing additional instruction may be referred for tutoring.


A student may not enroll in two or more courses where the meeting time for the courses overlaps unless:


      •    The student provides a valid justification other than scheduling convenience of the need for an overlapping schedule;

      •    The Vice President of Instruction and the instructor of record approve the schedule;

      •    The student makes up the overlapping hours at some other time during the same week under the supervision of the instructor of the course;

      •    The college maintains a record of the make-up time completed by the student.

           (SBCCD Administrative Procedure 4226)


An Approval for Overlapping Classes form may be obtained from the Office of Instruction (CCR-234).