Computer Use

San Bernardino Community College District provides computers, computer accounts, and voicemail accounts for employees and students to assist them in the performance of their job duties or their academic studies. The computer and telecommunication systems belong to the District and are intended for business and academic purposes only. As such, all users should not have any expectation of privacy in anything they create, send, or receive via computer or telephone.

Every SBCCD computer user is responsible for being aware of these guidelines and is expected to follow these policies, both in letter and in spirit. It is general policy that all computers are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. Failure to adhere to the policy and guidelines will result in appropriate disciplinary action.


The Email at SBCCD provides a convenient (non-confidential) way of communicating between students, faculty, staff, administrators and professional colleagues. It is expected that SBCCD computer users will use common courtesy in the use of email. Specifically, the following activities are not acceptable:

•     Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks and other antisocial behaviors are prohibited on the network. Therefore, messages should not contain profanity, obscene comments, sexually explicit material, and expressions of bigotry or hate.

•     “Chain letters”, broadcasting messages to lists or individuals, and other types of use that would cause congestion of the networks or otherwise interfere with the work of others are not allowed.

User Names Passwords and Personal Identification Numbers (PIN)

Students may be issued usernames, passwords and/or PINs. 

These electronic IDs are unique to the individual and should be guarded carefully.

These IDs and their associated rights will give the user access to certain data, files, information and resources within the District’s electronic resources

These IDs will be treated as electronic signatures and carry the same authority as a written signature when used in conjunction with District or college documents, screens, telephone systems or web forms. THEREFORE, guard your electronic IDs carefully

If you believe someone else is using your ID, contact the system administrator immediately.

Privacy Interests

The District recognizes the privacy interests of faculty, staff and students and their rights to freedom of speech, collegial consultation, and academic freedom. However, both the nature of electronic communication and the public character of District business make electronic communication less private than many users anticipate and may be subject to public disclosure. In addition, the District network can be subject to authorized and unauthorized access by both internal and external users. For these reasons, there are virtually no online activities or services that guarantee an absolute right privacy, and therefore the District network is not to be relied upon as confidential or private.

System Abuse

Users shall not attempt to modify any part of the network, attempt to crash or “hack” District systems, or tamper with any software protections or restrictions placed on computer applications or files. Unless properly authorized, users shall not attempt to access restricted portions of any operating system, security software, or application system. District computing resources may not be used to violate copyright laws or license agreements.

Technology support staff monitors for any unauthorized equipment or software on the District’s networks, and reserve the right to remove, disconnect, or disable the unauthorized equipment or software.


Users are prohibited from using the District’s information systems in any way that may be disruptive, harassing, or discriminatory including, but not limited to, the intentional viewing and/or transmission of sexually explicit messages, graphics, cartoons, ethnic or racial slurs, or anything that may be construed as harassment or disparagement or others. Students in violation will be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to SBCCD Board Policy 5500 and other applicable laws and policies.

Commercial Use

Commercial use of the District computer resources for personal gain or illegal purposes is prohibited and these resources may not be used for the transmission or storage of commercial, political, or personal advertisements, solicitations and promotions, destructive programs (viruses and/or self-replicating code), or any other unauthorized use.

Media and Social Networking

Personal social networking accounts shall not be used to officially represent campus or district entities on social networking, wiki, or other social media sites. For official representation of any District entity, a campus or District account, approved by the president/chancellor or their designee, must be used. The account holders must agree to use the resources legally, ethically and in keeping with the intended use per the procedures of their respective sites.

Software Licensing

Software, used on District owned computers, must be properly licensed. These licenses provide the acceptable use of the software and hold the user and in some cases the District legally responsible for copyright violations.

No students shall install software on any District computers, except as authorized by the instructor in the course of learning.

Fair Use

Information appearing on the internet should be regarded as copyright protected, whether or not it is expressly noted as such. Section 107 of the Copyright law (title 17, US Code) allows for Fair Use of copyrighted materials. Teaching, scholarship, research, comment, news reporting, and criticism are considered fair and allow for reproduction of a given work. Acknowledgement of the source is recommended but is no substitute for obtaining permission (