Out-of-State Colleges and Universities

Each campus has unique transfer admission requirements independent of the other.  It is important that you check with the admission office of each campus you are considering.

In general, out-of-state universities accept students with less than 60 units – usually about 24 or 30 transferrable units is generally the minimum.  As for GPA, this also varies widely but at the very least, a student should have a minimum 2.0 GPA.  We highly recommend that you complete English Composition (English 101 or 101H) and Intermediate Algebra (Math 095) prior to transfer. 

Transfer out-of-state generally means out-of-state tuition which is often at least double that of state residents.  Ask the admission representative about any programs available to you that may help reduce the cost of attendance.  For example, is this campus part of the www.wiche.edu/wue program which offers a reduced tuition to California residents?

Here are other helpful websites:

  • The Articulation Agreements page the University Transfer Center Website
  • The College Navigator to help you research out-of-state universities
  • The Common Application is one application to over 500 universities, including international. 

Remember, The University Transfer Center is here to help you.  Stop by to see us so that we can help you transfer.