
Department: Kinesiology & Health

Faculty Chair: Colleen Hinds, P.h.D.

Faculty: Colleen Hinds, P.h.D., Janine Ledoux, P.h.D, Ralph Rabago, M.S.


A student completing skill courses in this field will be able to:

  • Warm-up properly to minimize the risk of injury and prepare for activity, wear attire appropriate for the activity, and use equipment appropriate for the activity
  • Demonstrate knowledge of rules, approaches, and strategies specific to the sport/activity
  • Conduct themselves with character, respect, good sportsmanship and etiquette appropriate to the customs and traditions of the activity

A student completing dance courses in this field will be able to:

  • Design, evaluate, or critique a dance performance in terms of choreography and technical performance associated with a specific dance form
  • Perform a dance piece in a style-specific dance or discipline
  • Demonstrate adequate physical skill or technique in performance
  • Recognize and describe the impact or influence of music on the specific dance form

A student completing fitness courses in this field will be able to:

  • Warm-up properly to minimize the risk of injury and prepare for activity, wear attire appropriate for the activity
  • Demonstrate knowledge of principles for safe participation and physiological improvement in keeping with the goals of the specific activity
  • Improve performance through increased levels of physical development associated with the goals of the specific activity
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits associated with the participation in fitness activities