Assessment Placement Process

Every new student is required to participate in the assessment/placement process. This process is designed to assist students in choosing classes and is necessary to determine placement in English, mathematics and reading courses at Crafton Hills College. In order to receive priority registration new students must complete the assessment/placement process.

The assessment is a multiple-choice format covering reading comprehension, sentence skills, arithmetic, elementary algebra, and college algebra. Assessment is provided on a walk-in basis or by appointment depending on the time of year. The assessment schedule is available online.

Students who will be participating in the assessment are strongly encouraged to access the assessment orientation presentation and review materials that are available on our campus website at www.craftonhills/assessment, plan on two hours to complete the assessment process.  For questions you may contact the assessment center at 909.389.3361 or email at

Course placement can also be based on coursework in English and mathematics from another college or university, or by a passing score on the appropriate Advanced Placement (AP) exam or Early Assessment Program (EAP) assessment taken as a high school student. 


Assessment Exemption

New students may obtain an assessment exemption if they have:

  • Completed an associate degree or higher. (Provide transcript)
  • Completed prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better. If prerequisite courses have not been completed in both mathematics and English, the student must take the assessment in the area not met. (Provide transcript)
  • Scored 3 or higher on the Advanced Placement Test (College Board) in English and/or mathematics. (Provide documentation)
  • Participated in the CSU EAP Process at high school and have been determined “READY” for college work” level coursework or determined “CONDITIONALLY READY” and have completed appropriate coursework during the senior year. This exemption expires one year after graduating from high school.
  • Enrolled in courses at Crafton Hills College solely to maintain certificate or license requirements.
  • Taken a placement exam at another college in the last two years and is provide scores and placement recommendations from that college. 

If any of the above criteria apply to you, visit the Assessment Center, SSB-201, to obtain an exemption. Students are responsible for supplying the documentation and for completing the exemption process before they will be eligible to register for classes.

For more information, visit the Assessment Center SSB-201 or call 909.389.3361 or visit


The college provides an appeals process.  Consult a counselor for review of the following concerns:

  1. Review of placement decisions.
  2. Waiver and challenge of prerequisites.
  3. Complaint of unlawful discrimination.

If a student feels that assessment, orientation counseling,  prerequisites, or any other matriculation procedures is being applied in an unfair manner, he or she should consult with the Dean of Student Services or counseling and matriculation.