AP 5520: Student Discipline Procedures

This Administrative Procedure (AP 5520) is intended to effectively administer Board Policy 5500 and Administrative Procedure 5500 title “Standards of Student Conduct,” and as such, this Administrative Procedure shall constitute the Standards of Student Discipline for all District Students.  This Standards of Student Discipline provides District Students with prior notice of behavior deemed unacceptable by the District’s Board of Trustees.  This Standards of Student Conduct includes a defined process for the fair and impartial review and determination of alleged improper Student behavior.  This Standards of Student Conduct also specifies the various sanctions that may be imposed on District Students for violations of this Standards of Student Conduct. Students are expected to be familiar with the terms of the San Bernardino Community College District’s published Board Policy 5500 and this Administrative Procedure 5500 Standards of Student Conduct.

This Standards of Student Discipline provides for the orderly administration of the Standards of Student Conduct consistent with the principles of due process of law.  Reasonable deviations from the Standards of Student Conduct will not invalidate a decision or proceeding.

This process does not supersede standards for specific programs which may have a have different process for program eligibility and retention e.g., Fire Academy, Police Academy, Nursing Program, etc.

The District/campus will strive to follow the timelines outlined in this Administrative Procedure barring unexpected delays or campus closures


In this Standards of Student Discipline, and throughout the District’s Board Policies and Administrative Procedures, the use of the terms "will" and "shall" are used in the mandatory sense.  


San Bernardino Community College District's primary correspondence and notification mechanism with Students shall be through the Student’s District assigned e-mail account. At the District’s discretion, Students may be notified via U.S. mail, delivery in person, via SMS text message, by an alternate email on record from the Student, or by other authorized communication platforms. San Bernardino Community College District reserves the right to notify parents/legal guardians/emergency contacts when it determines that any Student, regardless of age, is in a situation that is threatening to their own health and safety, or that Student has placed another person in a situation that is threatening to their health and safety. 


Pursuant to Board Policy 5500, the District’s jurisdiction concerning alleged Standards of Student Conduct violations extends to the District, its colleges, and for all activities occurring on District property.  This jurisdiction includes, but is not limited to, its main and satellite campuses, and to any non-District property used by the District or its colleges where District Students are present. This also applies to online courses/services and District sponsored/College sponsored programs, activities, and travel.  This jurisdiction shall also apply to Student-to-Student or Student-to-employee off-campus conduct and/or actions, and electronic activity (such as e-mail, texting, telephone contact, social media), when the College Conduct Officer, or designee, determines that the off-campus conduct affects, disrupts, or interferes with the educational mission of the college.  This Standards of Student Conduct also applies to off-campus conduct when the effects of the off-campus conduct create a Hostile Environment or impact a substantial District/College interest. A substantial District/College interest may include:

  1. Any action that constitutes a criminal offense as defined by law. This includes, but is not limited to, a single or repeated violations of any local, state, or federal criminal statute or ordinance;
  2. Any situation where it appears that a Student may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of themselves or others;
  3. Any situation that significantly impinges upon the rights, property, or achievements of self or others, or that significantly breaches the peace or causes significant disruption; and
  4. Any situation that is detrimental to the educational interest of the District/College. The Student Code of Conduct may apply to online activity and communication that occur outside of the District’s/College’s control when those online behaviors can be shown to create a Hostile Environment on campus or cause a substantial disruption.


The San Bernardino Community College District does not unlawfully discriminate based upon age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or preference, gender, national origin, veteran’s status, gender identification, or genetic information in administering District educational policies and procedures. The District complies with the American Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title IX.  See Board Policy 3410 Nondiscrimination.


Student Discipline Code proceedings are administrative in nature and are independent from court or other administrative proceedings. Discipline may be instituted against a Student also charged in civil or criminal courts based on the same facts that constitute the alleged violation of the Standards of Student Conduct. The District may elect to proceed before, concurrently with, or after any judicial or other administrative proceedings.


The District's Title IX Policy and Procedure, BP/AP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus, addressing the investigation of allegations of sexual misconduct incorporate the sanctions and general procedures set forth in this Standards of Student Conduct, but are not restricted by this Procedure. Title IX investigations and processes are independent from court or other administrative proceedings.  Student discipline may be instituted against a Student also charged in civil or criminal courts based on the same facts that constitute the alleged violation of Title IX or other law applicable to sexual misconduct. The District may elect to proceed before, concurrently with, or after any judicial or other proceedings.



References: Education Code Sections 66300, 66301, 66302, 72122, and 76030-76038; ACCJC Accreditation Standard I.C.8