Catalog Rights

Graduation requirements contained in this catalog apply to students initially enrolled during the current academic year.

Each new academic year begins with the fall semester. If a student enrolls during a summer session, he or she has catalog rights in effect for the previous academic year.

Continuous Enrollment and Graduation

Degree and certificate requirements may change from one academic year to the next. Students have the right to graduate under the terms of any single catalog that is published while in continuous enrollment at Crafton Hills College. In the event that the required course(s) has/have been discontinued, students may petition for course substitution. For more information, make an appointment with a counselor.

Continuous enrollment is defined as attendance in at least one transcripted course during a fall or spring semester within an academic year.

Readmission and Graduation

Students who have had a break in enrollment at Crafton Hills College of one academic year or more, may choose to meet the graduation and/or certificate requirements in effect at the time of their readmission or any single catalog published thereafter, while in continuous enrollment.

Incoming Students Who Attended Other Institutions

Students attending Crafton Hills College who have attended other colleges and universities may choose to meet the graduation requirements in effect at the time of their first enrollment at Crafton Hills College or any single catalog thereafter, while in continuous enrollment.