Multidisciplinary Degrees

Multidisciplinary degrees are designed for students who maintain a broad interest in a particular area that expands beyond a single discipline. These degrees provide an option to students wishing to explore a variety of related disciplines, while preparing for multiple fields. In addition to major prep coursework, students will need to complete general education requirements to earn these degrees. The discipline-specific courses may not prepare students for transferring into a major at a four-year college.  Students are urged to meet with a Counselor to create a Student Educational Plan (SEP) appropriate to their goals.

Students must complete a minimum of eighteen (18) semester units with at least a “C” (2.0) or better in all major prep coursework for their elected program. Students must also complete the additional requirements associated with an Associate Degree.

Multidisciplinary Associate of Arts Degrees

Fine Arts


Liberal Studies - Teacher Preparation

Social Science

Multidisciplinary Associate of Science Degrees

Environmental Science

Health Sciences

Multiple Sciences