Informal Appeal Process

All attempts should be made to resolve the grade dispute at the lowest level possible; however, a student may proceed directly to the formal process.

Step 1: If possible, the student first meets with the faculty member who issued the grade; or, if the faculty member is no longer employed or working at the College, the student then meets with the Department Chair or designee to resolve the grade dispute. If resolved and a grade change is indicated, the instructor or designee completes a Grade Change Form.

Step 2: If unresolved in Step 1, the student then meets with the Department Chair or designee. If resolved and a grade change is indicated, a Grade Change Form is completed. If the dispute is not resolved then a formal appeal process can be initiated.

According to code, if mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence is the reason for the grade dispute, the burden of proof lies with the student to produce facts that support this allegation, proceeding then to the formal process. If such evidence exists, the student must complete the Grade Appeal Form and make an appointment to see the Dean.