Section III - Student Discipline Process


Prior to removal, the faculty member is responsible to identify the behavior and inform the student that failure to correct the issue may result in removal from the class. If the behavior persists, the faculty member may remove, for good cause, any student from their class for up to two (2) class sessions. The student shall not return to the class during the period of the removal without permission of the instructor. Nothing herein will prevent the college president or designee from recommending further discipline in accordance with these procedures based on facts that led to the removal. As used in this rule, “good cause” includes those offenses listed in the Student Code of Conduct. In instances of online courses, student’s access to course content will be removed for a period of time comparable to two class sessions.


San Bernardino Community College District, through its College Conduct Officers, will investigate all reports of alleged violations of the Standards of Student Conduct. Anyone who believes a section of the Code of Conduct has been violated should contact any College Conduct Officers identified at each District campus. Reports of allegations are entered into a District-wide system where it is assigned to the appropriate College Conduct Officers.


In all cases, the College Conduct Officer, or designee, will provide notice to the Parties, providing them with the following information, pursuant to Section 1.3:

  • A description of the alleged violation(s).
  • A description of the applicable policies. statement of the potential sanctions/responsive actions that could result.
  • A required date and time, for the Student, to contact the College Conduct Officer within seven (7) calendar days from the date of initial notification to schedule a hearing/meeting, superseding all other campus and work activities. The Student's failure to contact the College Conduct Officer within this seven (7) calendar day period shall constitute the Student's waiver of their ability to provide a response to the alleged violation(s), and the proceeding shall take place as if the Student has not responded.


Interim actions are those temporary sanctions deemed necessary by the College Conduct Officer to protect the safety and security of the District Community pending an investigation into the alleged violations of the Standards of Student Conduct.

1. The College Conduct Officer may take any interim actions deemed necessary to:

a. Protect the District Community from potential threats to health and safety;

b. Protect any particular member of the community;

c. Protect against the risk of substantial disruption to the normal operations of the campus.

2. The College Conduct Officer or designee will inform the Respondent involved of any interim action/restrictions implemented against them pending investigation.

3. Interim Action/Restrictions are effective immediately. There shall be no request to delay the imposition of interim actions. These actions may include:

a. Interim Suspension – A Student who is suspended on an interim basis is subject to all of the same restrictions as if they had been suspended as a final sanction. The College Conduct Officer, or designee, may impose an interim restriction of up to fourteen (14) calendar days following notice from the College Conduct Officer.

b. Interim Restriction – These restrictions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Any other restrictions deemed by the College Conduct Officer or designee necessary to achieve the goals stated above.
  • No-contact orders with specific individuals;
  • District events;
  • Restricted access to District facilities;

c. The College Conduct Officer, or designee, may impose an interim restriction of up to fourteen (14) calendar days following notice from the College Conduct Officer.

4. Interim Suspensions and Request to Stay. Upon notice of an Interim Suspension by the College Conduct Officer, Title IX Coordinator, or designee, the Student has five (5) calendar days (from the date of the notice) to submit reason(s) for a Request to Stay to the Vice President of Student Services or their designee. The Vice President of Student Services or their designee will render a decision on providing a stay, with or without modifications to the Student’s request. The Vice President of Student Services or their designee will provide the Student with a decision within three (3) calendar days of the received Request to Stay. The Interim Suspension remains in effect until a decision from the Vice President of Student Services or designee is rendered


The College Conduct Officer will conduct interviews to determine the accuracy of statements or other evidence.

The College Conduct Officer’s primary communication to all Parties involved in the investigation shall be through District assigned email addresses, with supplemental forms of communication used as needed as referenced in section 1.3 above.

The College Conduct Officer will investigate each complaint submitted to determine whether it is appropriate to charge a Student with a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Investigations should generally result in resolution within sixty (60) calendar days after a complaint has been made, barring unexpected delays or campus closures. If circumstances warrant, the College Conduct Officer will provide notice to the Student(s) of any delays or extensions necessary to complete any investigation.

Investigations may comprise of an interview with the reporting Party(s), person(s) alleged to have violated the policy(s), witnesses, and other persons having knowledge.

The College Conduct Officer shall make reasonable efforts to give the Student(s) an opportunity to rebut the accusation or otherwise provide relevant information to the College Conduct Officer or designee regarding the incident(s) which led to the belief by the College Conduct Officer or designee that the Student violated the Standards of Student Conduct in an Administrative Conference.

Should a Student fail to appear for any meeting, that Student may be considered as having waived their right to be present for the meeting and, the investigation may proceed without the Student’s input.


Conferences/Hearings for possible violations that occur near or after the academic terms will be held as soon as is practicable, to try to meet the resolution timeline followed by the District. The College Conduct Officer has the discretion to elect any of the following methods for resolution:

  • Administrative Resolution – The Respondent admits to the allegations and accepts the recommended sanctions of the College Conduct Officer or designee.
  • Formal Finding by the College Conduct Officer – The College Conduct Officer, after completing an investigation, which includes an opportunity for the Respondent’s due process, makes a finding and, if appropriate, issues sanctions.
  • Formal Finding with Hearing Panel – The College Conduct Officer may elect, at their sole discretion, to refer the findings from their investigation, which includes the Respondent’s due process, to a Hearing Panel for recommendation. The Hearing Panel is a panel convened to weigh the evidence presented following an investigation into alleged violations of the Standards of Student Conduct. The Hearing Panel shall be formed pursuant to Section 4.4 herein.


  1. Not Responsible – In these cases, College Conduct Officer or designee has determined that insufficient evidence exists, by the Preponderance of Evidence standard, for a finding of Responsible for the alleged violation(s). The case is closed, and a record is retained.
  2. Responsible – The College Conduct Officer or designee determines that sufficient evidence exists, by the Preponderance of Evidence standard, for a finding that the Respondent is Responsible for the alleged violation(s). This determination may also be rendered through the Administrative Resolution, where the Respondent has admitted culpability for the alleged violation(s). The College Conduct Officer may close the case.

After the investigation, meetings, and/or hearing, and considering all information relevant to the issue, the College Conduct Officer, or Hearing Chair and their Panel shall then decide whether or not to impose sanctions.

The College Conduct Officer will notify the Student charged with violations of the decision of the College Conduct Officer or Hearing Panel, and of any sanctions imposed. Such Notice shall be in writing from the College Conduct Officer and communicated to the Student pursuant the notice requirements set forth in Section 1.3.


If a Student is found Responsible, sanctions will be imposed by the College Conduct Officer, as they deem reasonable and appropriate, pursuant to the available sanctions set forth in Appendix C. The Respondent may elect to appeal the findings and sanctions subject to the limitations for grounds for appeal set forth herein.


In all cases involving alleged violations of the Standards of Student Conduct, the standard of proof for determining whether a Respondent is Not Responsible or Responsible is the Preponderance of Evidence standard (e.g., more likely than not), as defined in Appendix A herein.