CLEP Chart

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Chart

CLEP Exam with a Score of 50

(unless otherwise indicated)

CHC GE Area CHC Total Units CSU GE Breadth Certification Area CSU – Total Units earned toward eligibility for admission
Accounting – Financial N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
Accounting – Principles N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
American Government Area B & F2 3 units Area D8 3 units
American Literature Area C1 & F2 3 units Area C2 3 units
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature Area C1 3 units Area C2 3 units
Biology Area A 3 units Area B2 (no lab) 3 units
Business Law – Introductory N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
Calculus *+ Area D3 3 units Area B4 3 units
Pre-Calculus *+ Area D3 3 units Area B4 3 units
Chemistry Area A 3 units Area B1 (no lab) 3 units
College Algebra *+ Area D3 3 units Area B4 3 units
College Algebra – Trigonometry *+ Area D3 3 units Area B4 3 units
 College Composition N/A  0 units N/A 0 units
College Composition - Modular N/A 0 units N/A 0 units
College Mathematics *+ N/A 0 units N/A 0 units
Economics – Macro Area B 3 units Area D2 3 units
Economics - Micro Area B 3 units Area D2 3 units
English Composition – No essay N/A 0 units N/A 0 units
English Composition – with essay N/A 0 units N/A 0 units
English Literature Area C1 3 units Area C2 (through summer 2011) 3 units
French – Level I N/A 5 units N/A 6 units
French – Level II (score of 59) Area C1 & F1 5 units Area C2 (3 units) 9 units
Freshman College Composition N/A 0 units N/A 0 units
German – Level I N/A 5 units N/A 6 units
German – Level II (score of 60) Area C1 & F1 5 units Area C2 (3 units) 9 units
History – US I Area (B or C1) & F2 3 units Area D6 & US-1 3 units
History – US II Area (B or C1) & F2 3 units Area D6 & US-1 3 units
History – Western Civilization I Area B or C1 3 units Area C2 or D6 3 units
History – Western Civilization II Area B 3 units Area D6 3 units
Human Growth and Development Area B 3 units Area E 3 units
Humanities Area C1 3 units Area C2 3 units
Information Systems and Computer Applications N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
Management - Principles N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
Marketing – Principles N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
Natural Sciences Area A 3 units B1 or B2 (no lab) 3 units
Psychology – Introductory Area B 3 units D9 3 units
Psychology – Intro to Educational N/A 3 units N/A 3 units
Social Science and History N/A 0 units N/A 0 units
Sociology – Introductory Area B 3 units Area D0 3 units
Spanish – Level I N/A 5 units N/A 6 units
Spanish – Level II (score of 63) + Area C1 & F1 5 units Area C2 (3 units) 9 units
 Spanish with Writing I N/A  5 units N/A  6 units
Spanish with Writing II (score of 63) + Area C1 & F1 5 units Area C2 (3 units) 9 units
Trigonometry *+ Area D3 3 units Area B4 (through summer 2006) 3 units

* Satisfies Crafton Hills College Associate Degree Math requirement.

+ Students may use CLEP scores as evidence in prerequisite challenge and/or departmentally approved credit by exam process.

# Course does not include California government.

Language Other Than English – If a student passes more than one CLEP exam in the same language other than English (e.g., two exams in French), then only one exam may be applied to the baccalaureate. For each exam in a language other than English, a passing score of 50 is considered “Level 1” and earns six semester units of baccalaureate credit; the higher score listed for each exam is considered “Level II” and earns additional units of credit and placement in Area C2 or GE Breadth, as noted.


Amended 7/6/23. The original publication can be located in the amended items chapter of this catalog.