Academic Freedom

The San Bernardino Community College District is committed to the principle that the free expression of ideas is essential to the education of its students and to the effective governance of its colleges. The District further subscribes to the principle that the free expression of ideas should be limited only by the responsibility to express ideas with fairness, and in a manner that respects the differing ideas of others and distinguishes between established fact and theories and one’s own opinion.

No special limitations shall be placed upon study, investigation, presentation, and interpretation of facts and ideas concerning human society, the physical and biological world, and other branches of learning, subject to accepted standards of professional responsibility. Students shall have the opportunity to study controversial issues and divergent views, and to arrive at their own conclusions. Academic employees have an obligation to protect the student’s right to freedom of inquiry even when the student’s conclusions differ from those of the academic employees. While students may represent without penalty any opinion in or out of class, they may be required to demonstrate knowledge of views contrary to their own in order to fulfill course requirements. (SBCCD Board Policy/Administrative Procedure 4030)