Health and Wellness (2-3 units)

Major/Program Requirements

Students successfully completing a course in this area will be able to appreciate one’s own physical, mental and emotional health and demonstrate the knowledge and/or skills associated with actions necessary for optimum health and physical efficiency.

Course Listing:

DANCE 130AJazz Dance I


DANCE 143AFunk/Hip Hop Dance I


DANCE 163ABallroom/Swing/Salsa I


HEALTH 102Biological Principles of Health


HEALTH 263Nutrition and Health


HEALTH 263HNutrition and Health-Honors


KIN/F 105AAerobic Conditioning I

.50 - 1.00

KIN/F 106ATotal Body Fitness I


KIN/F 108AResistance and Weight Training I


KIN/S 120AGolf I

.50 - 1.00

KIN/F 127AWalking for Fitness I


KIN/F 155AConditioning with the Pilates Method I


KIN/F 168AYoga I


KIN/D 143A or DANCE 143AFunk/Hip Hop Dance I


KIN/S 179ATeam Sports I

.50 - 1.00

KIN/S 148ATennis I

.50 - 1.00

KIN/S 248ACompetitive Tennis I


KIN/S 179ATeam Sports I

.50 - 1.00