Students are required to complete a minimum of 39 units in areas A-E for full certification of lower division general education requirements. Upon request to the Admissions and Records Office, CHC will certify completion of the following pattern to be applied toward the total general education requirement at any CSU.

This pattern of general education IS NOT applicable to any campus of the University of California (UC). Please refer to the specific UC catalog of your choice, and/or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) for transfer to CSU and UC.
Completed courses MAY NOT be applied in more than one area.
Course in bold print are approved for Fall 2019 ad thereafter. 
Acceptable scores on Advanced Placement tests as listed on the College Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) Chart and the College Level Examination Program tests as listed on the CLEP Chart may be used for CSUGE certification.
9 semester units or 12 quarter units required. Students MUST complete one course in each of the three areas listed with a "C" or better prior to transfer.
2. ENGL 101, ENGL 101H
3. COMMST 125, COMMST 125H, ENGL 102, ENGL 102H, PHIL 103, PHIL 110

9 semester units or 12 quarter units required. Choose at least one course from each area. At least one of the science courses must have a
laboratory. Laboratory courses are underlined.
1. Physical Science
2. Life Science
3. Laboratory Activity
This requirement is satisfied by completion of any laboratory course in B1 or B2.
Laboratory courses are underlined.
4. Mathematics

CSCI 200, MATH 102, MATH 103, MATH 110, MATH 110H, MATH 115, MATH 141, MATH 160, MATH 200, MATH 250, MATH 251, MATH 252, MATH 265, MATH 266 PSYCH 120

9 semester units or 12 quarter units required. MUST include at least one course from area 1 AND area 2. Two courses maximum per discipline may be applied.

1.  ART 100, ART 100H, ART 102, ART 102H, ART 103, ART 105, ART 113, DANCE 200, DANCE 200H, ENGL 108, ENGL 109, ENGL 226, HUM 140, MUSIC 100, MUSIC 103, MUSIC 103H, MUSIC 120, MUSIC 120H, MUSIC 134, THART 100, THART 100H, THART 108, THART 109, THART 226
2.  ANTHRO 107, ANTHRO 110, ANTHRO 125, ANTHRO 136, ARABIC 101, ARABIC 102, ARABIC 103, ARABIC 104, ASL 101, ASL 102, ASL 103, ASL 104, ASL 105, ASL 115, ENGL 150, ENGL 152, ENGL 152H, ENGL 155, ENGL 155H, ENGL 160, ENGL 163, ENGL 170, ENGL 175, ENGL 232, ENGL 250, ENGL 260, ENGL 261, ENGL 270, ENGL 271, ENGL 275, ENGL 280,ENGL 281, FRENCH 101, FRENCH 102, FRENCH 103, FRENCH 104, HIST 100, HIST 100H, HIST 101, HIST 101H, HIST 107, HIST 135, HIST 145, HIST 150, HIST 170, HIST 170H, HIST 171, HIST 171H, HUM 101, HUM 102, HUM 140, JAPN 101, JAPN 102, JAPN 103, JAPN 104, PHIL 101, PHIL 101H, PHIL 105, PHIL 105H, PHIL 107PHIL 109RELIG 100, RELIG 100H, RELIG 101, RELIG 101H, RELIG 110, RELIG 113, RELIG 120, RELIG 135, RELIG 175, RELIG 176, RUS 101, RUS 102, SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 103, SPAN 104, SPAN 157, SPAN 158
9 semester units or 12 quarter units required. Two courses maximum per discipline may be applied.
POLIT 100 or POLIT 100H PLUS HIST 100, HIST 100H, HIST 101 or 101H fulfill the U S History, Constitution & American Ideals requirements for CSU graduation.
ANTHRO 100, ANTHRO 102, ANTHRO 102H, ANTHRO 106, ANTHRO 106H, ANTHRO 107, ANTHRO 110, ANTHRO 125, ANTHRO 136, ASL 115, CD 105, CD 126, COMMST 135, COMMST 174, ECON 100, ECON 200, ECON 200H, ECON 201, ECON 201H, GEOG 102, GEOG 102H, GEOG 120, HIST 100, HIST 100H, HIST 101, HIST 101H, HIST 107, HIST 135, HIST 145, HIST 150, HIST 170, HIST 170H, HIST 171, HIST 171H, JOUR 135, POLIT 100, POLIT 100H, POLIT 102, POLIT 104, POLIT 106, POLIT 110, POLIT 122, PSYCH 100, PSYCH 100H, PSYCH 102, PSYCH 103, PSYCH 110, PSYCH 111, PSYCH 118, RELIG 110, RELIG 120, RELIG 135, SOC 100, SOC 100H, SOC 105, SOC 106, SOC 130, SOC 132, SOC 141, SOC 141H, SOC 145, SOC 150 
3 semester units or 4 quarter units required.

BUSAD 155, CD 101, CD 105, CD 115, COUN 100, COUN 110, COUN 111, COUN 120, COUN 130, COMMST 155, COMMST 178, DANCE 101*, DANCE 102*, DANCE 103*, DANCE 104*, HEALTH 102, HEALTH 263, HEALTH 263H, KIN 200, KIN/D*, KIN/F* (other than 049 and 970ABCD), KIN/S*, KIN/X* and any DANCE* courses cross-listed with KIN/D, PSYCH 103, PSYCH 111, PSYCH 118, SOC 150


*Maximum of one (1) total unit of credit may be applied to area E for all courses denoted with an asterisk in the above grouping.

If your goal is to complete an AS-T in Biology or Chemistry, please see a counselor and the CHC catalog for information on CSUGE for STEM.

When a course is approved for CSUGE, it applies for certification starting with the year of approval and ending when it is removed.

At least 30 units of the 60 units required for upper division transfer must be selected from the general education courses in areas A through E. Each of the courses within these 30 units must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.  Additionally, at least one course from each of areas A1, A2, A3, AND B4 must be completed with a grade of "C" or better prior to upper division transfer.  "C-" or better is required for courses passed along from other colleges.